School of Engineering – Training closes to science research


100% faculty of School of Engineering (SoE), Tan Tao University are from prestigious universities all over the world, they all are well-trained and experienced science research, SoE opens the door of advanced studying for students who concern to Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Following the the global trend of integration, the graduates from Vietnamese Universities must compete with foreign students in employment, especially when Viet Nam joins in the ASEAN Economic Community in the end of 2015. Therefore, many Vietnamese universities are trying to develop their faculty’s quality in teaching and research; They also update the training program according to global trend. In the above context, SOE has well prepared right from the days of beginning.
Firstly, we take the quality of the faculty into the first consideration. 100% PhD faculty of SoE graduate from the great universities in USA, Japan, France, Germany, Canada, Korea…They are all young; they are dedicated to education and especially passionate with science research.


SoE faculty
From 2011 to now, SoE faculty has published 56 publications on the international prestigious science journals; We successfully held 3 international and national conferences; We have been hosting 7 science research projects, in which 5 projects are funded by The National Foundation for Science & Technology Development (NAFOSTED), one by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), one by Illinois University and U.S Navy.
SoE faculty also achieved 2 national prizes, Mathematical Prize of Institute of Mathematics was granted for Dr. Tran Vu Khanh in 2011, The Young Research Prize 2012 of Vietnamese Theoretical Physics Society was granted for Dr. Nguyen Quang Hung. Dr. Nguyen Quang Hung is now the Vice Dean of SoE, he is also the first TTU faculty, who the State Professor Council recognizes Associate Professor in Physics in 2015.


SoE Student
Following the advanced education system in the developed countries, in TTU, the result of science research is always close to developing the teaching quality. Currently, we apply the program of Duke University into teaching (entirely teaching in English).
Additionally, TTU is also the first university, which has been pursuing accreditation of the Higher Education Accreditation System of the South United States of America, under the instruction of Duke University and ABET (American Board of Engineering & Technology). Therefore, the quality of training of SoE is guaranteed.
SoE now offers three majors:
Computer Science: We prepare the graduates with fundamental knowledge in organization, management ,science and computer technology awareness so that they can apply into their future careers. We base on student’s ability and passion to guide in their concentration of majors such as: Information system management & information technology, data analysis and knowledge, especially big data; development of intelligent systems on smart devices (eg smart home), software development, graphic design, network construction and management, applying and developing the tools of computing and simulating other areas (such as biotechnology, physics, economics …).
Electrical Engineering: Students are prepared knowledge of modern electrical, electronic and computer engineering. Students will be able to deal with the processing, control and transmission of information and energy in many engineering industries such as electronics, power generation, telecoms, defense, oil industries…Besides working in primary fields of electrical, electronics and computer engineering, graduates with Bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering can also work or pursuit higher education in related fields such as biomedical engineering, computer science, automotive, defense, oil and gas, power generation, aerospace industry, etc. Some of the typical job titles are design engineer, project engineer, engineering specialist, chief engineer, quality control engineer, software engineer, reliability engineer, research engineer, systems design engineer, field engineer, test engineer, sales engineer.
Civil Engineering: The graduates are able to work in enterprises,consulting company of construction or the State Office of construction. They can take over the positions such as: designing, implementation, supervision, evaluation and acceptance the civil and industrial construction. Besides, they are able to become specialist in consulting, project management, technical designing, design supervision, or do research and teaching.