Alumni Connection Talk 2 – The Event Attracts Tan Tao Students


Alumni Connection Talk 2 attracted a lot of Tan Tao students interested in participating with two main topics: “Experience of applying and effective working skills at Corporations, Multinational Companies” and “Generation Z, Generation Y – What should be prepared for success?”

Alumni Connection Talk 2 attracted many students of Tan Tao to join in

Inspired guests shared at the recently held Alumni Connection Talk 2 at Tan Tao University:

Mr. Nguyen Le Huy Hung

Senior expert of Corporate tax at PricewaterhouseCoopers (Vietnam)

Alumni of School of Business and Administration, Tan Tao University (2011 – 2015)

At the sharing session, Mr. Hung mentioned a topic of great interest to students: “Experience of applying and effective working skills at Corporations and Multinational Companies.”

What informations are needed to impress without a lengthy CV? Tips for an effective job interview such as formal dress, friendly attitude, confident (not high or low self-esteem), smart answers to common questions from employers …

From the real experiences, Mr. Hung had made practical and useful sharing, giving students confidence and bravery to have the best preparation in conquering the desired career.

Besides, Mr. Hung is willing to propose good working environments that he had had the opportunity to experience and develop himself. In particular, for Economics students, you can always connect with him to get career guidance if you want to become a senior expert.

Mrs. Vo Le Dang Thuy

Deputy Sales Director at COLOR TOUR Travel Trade Co., Ltd; Sales Consultant at VinFast 3S Southern Company of VinGroup.

Alumni of School of Business and Administration, Tan Tao University (2011 – 2015)

Joining the sharing session, the students of Tan Tao were listening to the perspectives on the observation and evaluation of “our generation” with the theme: “Generation Z, Generation Y – What should be prepared for success? ” led by an older sister, seasoned with experience to answer the question: “Who am I?”

It took her 5 years, “jumping” through more than 10 different jobs. Ms. Thuy has just found a real job and career development. It was a long and somewhat wasteful process, Thuy said frankly.

The most practical advice from her: “You must clearly define the goal, from the beginning.” – That should be the career that you most want to work for. Clearly outline the roadmap and focus on conquering, with the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Besides, there is another reality, “changing job” is not … too bad. It is possible that some employers who are hesitant of “changing job” will not be loyal or questioned about their ability to work. However, with the proof that she herself, Thuy has a lot of experiences, with a variety of working skills from different jobs. Those are the plus points that make Thuy “catch the eye” of the employers have a great vision.

In fact, if the jobs you have changed are related, then there is nothing wrong with “changing job”.

A good quote at the sharing session from Ms. Thuy: “Everyone is a teacher, including enemies. Because everyone gives us a lesson.”

In order to create opportunities to connect, exchange, learn and bring future directions to success for all students, Tan Tao University organizes a series of events to connect Tan Tao students – “Alumni Connection Talk”. Through this, Tan Tao students can directly listen, exchange knowledge about quality careers as well as practical work experience, shared by talented Tan Tao alumni, currently working at the companies, leading corporations.

Parallel with that, in the spirit of dedication and goodwill to be attached and connected with the school, students, as well as other alumni, “Alumni Connection Talk” is a great bridge in the community of Tan Tao students, encouraging the sharing of experience, advising students – will soon become partners, excellent workforce in the future.

Tan Tao students will receive practical and very helpful sharing at the Alumni Connection Talk event series. This is not merely a re-sharing of stories, but also an experience and valuable lessons drawn from years of study and work of brothers and sisters who were students from Tan Tao.

Alumni Connection Talk – Connecting Tan Tao students

Details about the upcoming Alumni Connection Talk 3 reveal that the event will feature the faces of talented students who will share many interesting sharing topics. Let’s look forward to it!