International Business – The Link of Integration


As a potential study field in the economics sector, International Business major opens a great opportunity for students studying for its breakthroughs, advancement at workplace as well as following up with the trend of business world in the era of globalization.

International Business – Major of Era

As a field that digs deep into the movement of the international market, the International Business produces bachelor’s those having strong background in developing and implementing business strategies in all types of businesses (production – trade – service) on the international market. With the capacity to research, analyze and forecast market demand; ability to build and implement international payment activities, international transportation …, human resources in International Business is an asset in economies – a key position in the context of multinational connection today.

The internships of SBE students in the USA

With the significant fluctuations of the economy, the demand for human resources in International Business major will increase in the future. According to the statistics from Center for Manpower Forecasting and Labor Market Information of Ho Chi Minh City, the demand for human labor of the Economic – Marketing – Import – Export – Logistics in the period 2020-2025 has reached 25,000 jobs / year. In order to operate in these fields, the International Business is a solid foundation for students.

Choosing International Business, what will you do in the future?

1. Import and export – The current major of industry

– Vietnam in the period of intensive integration will create good opportunities for the development of import and export. In fact, since 2016 with a lot of economic agreements signed such as TPP, WTO … will continue to promote Vietnam’s economic growth. It also goes along the development of import and export industry. When foreign goods entering Vietnam markets and Vietnamese goods are exported to foreign markets, import-export activities will become more and more popular.

Import and export – The current major of industry

2. Logistics – Never lose the attractiveness

– Associated with the development of import-export industry nowadays is the rise of logistics. The main job of logistics industry is to handle a loop from the planning, implementation and quality control of goods to the final delivery for consumers. Thanks to the unprecedent development of information technology, online shopping with no regard of geographical distance, logistics is needed than ever before. In Vietnam, it can be said that logistics industry is still unfamiliar with students. Therefore, in the future, the demand for human resources in the field will increase dramatically. International Business students can totally develop themselves in this field if it suits and serves them well.

Logistics – Never lose the attractiveness

3. Marketing – Always demand high quality human resources

– Need 15% more advertising and marketing experts by 2020 – that’s what experts from Macquarie University, Australia, anticipate for the future when it comes to marketing. The boom of Google, Facebook and now e-commerce … has made a massive demand for digital marketing. Currently, marketing plays a very important role in the business activities of almost every business organization in the world. The effectiveness of sales activities is greatly influenced by marketing and it also dominates both current and future business activities. According to the Center for Human Resource Forecast and Labor Market Information of Ho Chi Minh City, from now to 2020, the marketing needs 10,000 employees or more per year. The results of the Vietnam online labor force survey also show that the marketing industry continues to lead in 6 areas with the highest demand for human resources.

Marketing – Always demand high quality human resources

4. Starting a Business – Dream Big, Do Big

– “Start-up” is a phrase that is familiar to everyone in recent years in Vietnam. As a student of International Business, you absolutely can afford to build your own business. If you are a passionate entrepreneur, you feel gifted in business, just have a good idea, do not hesitate, start your dream immediately.

Starting a Business – Dream Big, Do Big

Success will come to those who understand the rules and seize the opportunity

With such career opportunities, obviously, International Business will also have high demands and requirements for learners. At Tan Tao University (TTU), all of this will be erased through the Liberal Arts Education Model, with the aim of training students to become comprehensive working labor for the country. Besides knowledge, professional skills, soft skills and English are also concentration that students of International Business major have been instructed to focus on since the first year. A dynamic university environment, focusing on integration skills like TTU is a solid starting point for you in the future.

The internships of SBE students in the USA