TTU starts probing deeper into ASEAN education market


Tan Tao University and the Systematic Education Group international (SEGi) have both shared a memorandum signing on July 15th, 2019. This is the move to increase recognition of the brand of liberal art Tan Tao University in ASEAN’s market of nearly 650 million people.

TTU and SEGi representatives signing the MOU

The MOU for cooperation was signed by Prof. Dr. Thach Nguyen, Acting Provost of Tan Tao University (TTU) and Dr. Patrick Kee, Vice-Chancellor of the Systematic Education Group international (SEGi).

The MOU is a result of the good will of keep improving the teaching and operation of both TTU and SEGi through future exchanges. It consists of seven main focuses including exchange of staff and faculty, joint research programs, supervision of post-graduate students, joint graduate / post-graduate duo programs, scientific / learning materials, students and conferences and seminars. This MOU promise to bring about more opportunities resulted from the resource of both TTU and SEGi. In particular, TTU will have access to more then the overall of SEGi’s 20 thousand students while SEGi in turn will have access to good connections with prestigious universities and professionals in the US

SEGi was founded in 1977 as a centre for business training and became a college teaching diploma in 1995. Since 2008, SEGi was refining itself to upgrade to a full-flagship private university in Malaysia.

For that purpose, SEGi must meet certain requirements, especially the requirement of the number of research papers published to scientific journals every year with the quality and quantity of the papers rated by Malaysia Research Exercise Assessment (MyRA) on the scale from 1-6 star. SEGi started the rating in 2011 with 1-star but with an annual research budget of almost 250 thousand USD allocated specifically to research, SEGi gradually improved to 2-star in 2014 and to 3-star in 2018.

Dr. Patrick Kee, SEGi Vice Chancellor giving a speech to TTU SBE students

“As a vice chancellor, my main focus now is to bring our university to a five-star standard.” Said Dr. Petrick Kee.

Dr. Kee also said that SEGi aim to reach this goal by building the Centre of Excellence for Research in the phase 2019-2020 with the focus on commercialised research — those with high commercial applicability.

SEGi participated in the QS Rating on the quality of universities worldwide at the initial rating of 3-star in 2016. Of all standards, SEGi achieved 5-star rating for four categories including teaching and learning, facility of campus, education inclusion and internationalisation. It now has five campuses with over eight thousand students currently studying on the main campus.