Texas Woman University visited Tan Tao University in May 2019


The delegation from Texas Woman’s University (TWU) visiting TTU includes 08 professors who are nursing majors, 28 students and 03 fellows.

Head delegates of the group were Prof. Tương – Vi Vo Ho and Joan Elaine Edwards. Besides, there were members who are leading professors in Nursing Training at TWU and in the United States of America. They have participated in many International Nursing Training and scientific research activities in Vietnam and some Asian countries.

Agenda of the delegation from TWU in May 2019 included these activities:

  • Visiting some universities with long – standing experience in Nursing Training such as Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University (UPNT), Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) and some hospitals: Hospital of University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hospital for Tropical Diseases of Ho Chi Minh City (HTD), Bach Mai Hospital of Hanoi, General Clinic of Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University (UPNT)
  • Exchanging experience in International Nursing Training and organizing specialized seminars at Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University in the morning of May 15th, 2019 and Hospital of Medicine and Pharmacy in the morning of May 17th, 2019.
  • Exchanging students between TWU and UPNT and UMP.
  • Carrying out a number of coordinated research among university related to Nursing major.

In this trip, delegation of TWU also paid a visit to Tan Tao University in the afternoon of May 14th, 2019. This stopover had initially laid a foundation for long – term cooperation between two universities, especially in “High Quality Nursing Training and Scientific Research”.

Involving directly to welcome TWU delegation, Prof. Doctor Thach Nguyen – Acting Provost of TTU highly appreciated the achievements of TWU in International Nursing Training and Scientific Research in the US. With the hope that Nursing in Vietnam will hit a breakthrough to qualify for international level in training and practising and on behalf of TTU, Prof. Doctor Thach Nguyen acknowledged the effort and interest of TWU in TTU and hoped for the cooperation of two universities in near future. TTU is willing to cooperate, strive and invest for the development of nursing in Vietnam. Moreover, during this trip, the delegation of TWU also had a chance to visit The Clinical Skills Patient and Simulation Center (CSPSC) and exchanged experience in studying medicine with TTU students.

The head delegates and members of TWU highly appreciated the warm welcome from School Board, lecturers and students of TTU. They also noted the effort and time in the first steps of building a Clinical Skills Training Center (Skills Lab) to implement high quality Nursing Training. In the upcoming time, TWU delegation will pay close attention to review topics that two universities had exchanged.

Activities of Texas Woman’s University at Tan Tao University

TWU delegation visited TTU in the afternoon of May 14th, 2019
Prof. Doctor Thach Nguyen – Acting Provost of TTU warmly welcomed TWU delegation.
Sharing the activities in Training, Scientific Research and Development of TTU and TWU delegates
Exchanging experience and awarding TWU Training materials to TTU.
Giảng viên và Sinh viên TWU thăm Trung tâm mô phỏng bệnh nhân

TWU lecturers and students visited the Clinical Skills and Patient Simulation Center (CSPSC – TTU)
Exchanging experience between TTU students and TWU delegation