Tesol camp 2021 – Beyond the limit! call for presentations



The TESOL Camp 2021 offers English language teaching professionals, teachers, and scholars from Ho Chi Minh City and other regions across Vietnam the premier opportunity for professional development. By joining this event we can all exchange ideas and practices, explore a wide range of topics and current trends, expand our professional networks, and learn about advocacy efforts in the proactive TESOL community.

If you are an English language teaching professional or scholar or in a related field or content area, you are warmly invited to submit a proposal for your presentation at the TESOL Camp 2021, which is a joint effort between TESOL HCMC Association, Horizon TESOL, and Tan Tao University. This year, the TESOL Camp 2021 would like to feature the theme “BEYOND THE LIMIT” where original English research studies and hands-on teaching experience workshops and material resources can be exchanged between attendees.

TESOL Camp 2021 – BEYOND THE LIMIT is looking forward to all presentations that deal with classroom practices and applications of research in language learning and teaching. Proposals are welcomed from teachers, teacher educators, researchers, program administrators, materials and curriculum developers, and other professionals in communications, education, linguistics, foreign languages, and other related fields who have experience in providing in-service programs and consulting for educational organizations.

TESOL Camp 2021 – BEYOND THE LIMIT includes three main themes to be discussed: Second Language Acquisition, Industry 4.0 Paradigm Applied to Education, and Learning Behaviors and Classroom Management. The sub-topics can also be suggested as below:

Main themes Second Language Acquisition Industry 4.0 Paradigm Applied to Education Learning Behaviors and Classroom Management
  • Engaging learners in English retention and usage
  • English teaching and learning for local and global integration
  • English as a Lingua Franca / Intercultural Communication / Globalized English
  • Communication and Language Studies
  • English for Academic/Specific Purposes
  • Issues in Cognitive Linguistics
  • Other related topics
  • The 21st-Century Language Classroom
  • Flipped Learning in ELT
  • Curriculum and Material Development
  • Innovative Pedagogies for Vietnamese EFL Learners
  • Benchmarking Language Programs
  • Language Testing
  • Technology and EFL/ESL Education
  • Teacher Education / Professional Development
  • Fostering active teaching and learning in ESL/EFL in digital context
  • Learner/Teacher Identity
  • Culture and Identity
  • Motivating and Managing Classes
  • Teaching large and/or mixed ability classrooms
  • Learner/Teacher Autonomy
  • Classroom technology and materials
  • Challenges for online instruction and solutions


Presentation types

  1. Research Reports/Papers (20-30 minutes)
  • These are reports on original research which follow the typical format for presenting on a research study: statement of the problem, literature review, research question(s), methodology, data analysis, results, implications, and/or limitations.
  • The presenters will allow (extend their presentations to 5 minutes for POI) the last ten minutes for Q&A.
  1. “Best Practice” Workshops (30-45 minutes)
  • These workshops are designed specifically for novice teachers and introduce the basic concepts of ELT that underpin good classroom practices.
  • These sessions expose the attendees to real, useful classroom activities and the format is intended to be highly interactive; extensive audience participation is expected.

Target audiences

The following is by no means exhaustive but it is hoped to address teachers and professionals involved with:

  • Young or Very Young Learners
  • Secondary School Students
  • University Students
  • Adult Learners
  • General (applicable to a range of teachers/learners)

Submission guidelines

  1. Abstract/Overview (150-250 words)

Proposals for research reports/papers should:

  • Demonstrate relevance and/or importance of the topic;
  • Include a clear theoretical framework from which the research question(s) logically emerged;
  • Include relevant information about the research methodology;
  • Mention specific and relevant conclusions/recommendations/implications for the ELT field.

 Proposals for workshops, dialogues, and panels (Overview) should:

  • Demonstrate relevance and/or importance of the topic;
  • Have a presentation plan detailing the method, procedure, or plan of action for the session;
  • Mention specific tasks or methods used to facilitate session interactivity (i.e., active audience participation);
  • Note the implications (especially practical outcomes) for TESOL professionals.
  1. Presenters’ biographical statement

Presenter are expected to provide a brief biographical statement written in the third person. Also, kindly provide us with your professional photo.

You can submit your proposal now through the Submission form for TESOL Camp 2021 – BEYOND THE LIMIT. The deadline to submit proposals is Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM.


  • October 12 : Call for Proposals opens with an online submission form.
  • October 31: Call for Proposals closes.
  • November 5: Presenters are notified of acceptance/wait-list/rejection.
  • November 12: TESOL Camp 2021 – BEYOND THE LIMIT!


We hope this has been helpful to you in planning and submitting your proposals. We also hope to see you at TESOL Camp 2021 – BEYOND THE LIMIT!

TESOL CAMP 2021 Organizing Committee