Diary of a Clerskhip 8.2017


Diary of the the 4th US Medical Clerkship August-September 2017

Arrival to the host’s house

Bui MT Tien met Phyllis who took Tien to her room

Here Kim met the TTU students team for the first time. Kim bought Asian foods for the students

ACADEMIC activities

The TTU team visited Prof Frank Markland at his office and research lab at the University of Southern California (USC) with Prof Trinh Xuan Kiem who teaches pathophysiology at TTU

Lam H Phuc, Tran Vo T Nhi, Le NT Vy, Prof Thach Nguyen, Prof Markland and Trinh Xuan Kiem at the laboratory of Prof Markland at USC

Le Bao Huy interviewed a patient while Mai Quang Minh was watching from the background

Bui MT Tien, Nguyen Thao Chi and Pham Minh Tri were observing the EKG changes in a patient undergoing the tilt table test

Mai Quang Minh was checking the spleen and liver of a patient

Mai Quang Minh, Le bao Huy and Dr Luke Ashwin in the cardiac catheterization laboratories

Nguyen C Linh, Tran VT Nhi, Le NT Vy and Lam Hoang Phuc wearing the lead apron to prevent radiation when they observed cases at the cardiac catheterization laboratories

Here Pham M Tri at the University of Chicago in the office of Professor DTS discussing the explosion and implosion of bubbles causing damage to the coronary arteries and possibly starting the atherosclerotic process.

Here Susan Miller, the program coordinator of the US clerkship program with Nguyen C Linh, tran VT Nhi, Lam Hoang Phuc and Le NT Vy on their last of the clerkship program

 BUSINESS Rotation in Indiana

This year, besides the medical students rotating at ST Mary’s, business school student Vo TH Thuong was visiting the hospital to understand the business side of the US hospital industry

Vo TH Thuong attended the 3rd Becker’s Annual IT and Revenue Cycle conference.  Here, Vo TH Thuong was in the front seat in the audience when former president George W Bush came to give the keynote

Vo TH Thuong attended the 3rd Becker’s Annual IT and Revenue Cycle conference.


Lam H Phuc, Tran VT Nhi, Le NT Vy, Pham M Tri and Dominic Nguyen and Prof Thach Nguyen at the gala dinner organized by the Hue University Medical School alumni association at the Hilton, in Orange County CA.

Here Pham M Tri, Le NT Vy, Tran VT Nhi and Lam H Phuc had a hot debate with one of the senior physicians at the gala dinner organized by the Hue University Medical School alumni association at the Hilton, in Orange County CA.

Here Tran VT Nhi, Pham M Tri, Lam H Phuc, Le NT Vy and Nguyen Cam Linh enjoyed a drink at the gala dinner organized by the Indian Medical Association, in Merrillville IN.

Here Tran VT Nhi, Pham M Tri, Lam H Phuc, Le NT Vy and Nguyen Cam Linh enjoyed the dinner at the gala dinner organized by the Indian Medical Association, in Merrillville IN.

Here Pham M Tri and Tran VT Nhi enjoyed the folk dance with the Indian community in NW Indiana

Here Dr Vijay Dave and Pham M Tri enjoyed the folk dance with the Indian community in NW Indiana

Here Mai Quang Minh, Pham M Tri and Nguyen T Chi participated actively in the folk dance with the Indian community in NW Indiana

Here Mai Quang Minh, Pham M Tri, Tran Vo Thuy Nhi and Nguyen T Chi participated actively in the folk dance with the Indian community in NW Indiana

Here Mai Quang Minh, Bui MT Tien, Le NT Vy, Le Bao Huy and N PTrang participated actively in the folk dance with the Indian community in NW Indiana

Visiting a farm with Dr Luke Ashwin from Malaysia and the host family

Farewell dinner in Laporte

The night after the farewell dinner. This year, there were 2 doctors from DH YD and one from Malaysia rotating with the TTU students. Everybody were preparing feverishly the USMLE