October 23rd, 2013 TTU Library Department celebrated a seminar which topic was “Self-Enrichment through Open Learning Resources” to introduce to TTU Students the ways to get more advance in English and some good resources which are available on the internet. The speaker was Mr. Dang Thanh Nhon – School of Humanities & Languages
In the seminar Mr. Nhon provided students some online sources that they can exploit to improve their English. For example, with vocabulary students can visit some website that help them to remember words easily: quizlet.com; vocabahead.com; stydystack.com; ablongman.com; manythings.com; freerice.com. For pronunciation there are some options: uiowa.edu ; manythings.com; listenandwrite.com; practicing other skills on: englishteststore.net and literacynet.org. For Content Courses, there are some websites that students can use to improve their knowledge such as MITOPENCOURSEWARE; LEARNERSTV; OPENCULTURE; FREEVIDEOLECTURES
All the above information is very useful because learning at university is self-studying, and students have to find their own pathway to the success with advices from their professors.