100% TTS students pass the national high school exam


July 28th 2015, Tan Tao Talented High School (TTS) held a ceremony to grant high-school diploma for graduated students of the twelve grade.


According to the report of the Department of Education and Training, Long An Province, TTS is one of the four high schools in Long An, in which 100% students of the grade twelve pass the national high school exam 2015, 81% of students are graded Excellent, 18% Good, and 1% Average (There are about more than 30 high schools in Long An Province, statistic in 2011).


The admission season 2015 has a lot of changes, in which The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) has decided to combine the annual national high school exam and the university entrance exam into one. The results of the exam will determine if students graduate from high school and qualify for admission at a university, college or vocational training institution.

Under the current regulations, students have three compulsory exam subjects for high school national exam – math, literature and foreign language – and one optional subject. For university, college or vocational training admission, the high school graduates must sit for exam in some other subjects according to the major they choose. For example, students enroll in the School of Medicine in TTU must sit for exam in one or two of 3 following subjects: Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

Althought the average score, which based to decide student’s high school graduation, of TTS’s students is not high; they are tendentially good at subjects, which are based to determine their university admission (the group of three subjects are considered for university adimission that collectively add up to a maximum score of 30).

The average score of the univeristy consideration of TTS students is 22.18, in which:

The total score from 24 to higher: 27%; From 21 to under 24: 47%; From 18 to under 21: 23%; From 15,5 to under 18: 3%

The highest score belongs to Nguyễn Minh Dũng, 27 in Group B; and Trần Trọng Vinh 26.75 in Group D, 26.25 Group A1.

As the Ministry of Education said on July 28, the minimum score to be considered for university enrolloment is 15.