‘Stories of Energy’ Photo Contest


On October 30, 2014, the final round and awarding ceremony for the “Stories of Energy” photo contest was held at the auditorium of Tan Tao University.

With the purpose of creating opportunities for high school students and university students to express their views and thoughts on current concerned issues such as climate change, energy usage, environment…through the recordings of real images at schools or localities where they live or pass by everyday. It is not a contest of ideas but a story telling contest through photos.

The photo submitted by contestant Nguyen Nhat Lan, a TTU student

The submitted by contestant Nguyen Quang Nhu Y, a TTS student

The contest has attracted much attention of students in the region and beyond. With over 44 submissions from 33 contestants, including the participation of several schools and universities in Ho Chi Minh City such as Ton Duc Thang University; University of Finance and Marketing; High LMX …

After over two months of organization, the Organizing Board has selected six contestants having the best articles and photos including:

1. Nguyen Nhat Lan – TTU
2. Nguyen Quang Nhu Y – TTS
3. Ha Generation – TTU
4. Phan Hoang Nam – TTU
5. Nguyen Ngoc Buu Tran – TTU
6. Bui Nguyen Quoc Tien – Ton Duc Thang University

Some photos of the contest:

The contest closed and definitely provided students with a deep and profound knowledge about environment and life. Each photo captures a great moment and memory brought to the contest. Each story has its own view like whispers of energy and environment to us.

Duong Hung & TTU Media