What unique advantages when students study at Tan Tao University?


The unique advantages of Tan Tao University students:

– Study in an environment 100% in English (Medical majors are English – Vietnamese bilingual).

– Studying and working with domestic and foreign doctors.

– Targeted by employers before graduation.

– Experience an international learning environment with domestic tuition fees – Tan Tao University applies the training program of Rice University, USA.

– Learned according to the advanced liberal arts education method “LIBERAL ARTS,” giving students the flexibility to change necessary to adapt to the changing working environment, and at the same time have outstanding creativity.

Tan Tao University – American University in Vietnam.

 Email: info@ttu.edu.vn

 Website: http://tuyensinh.ttu.edu.vn/

 Phone: 0981.152.153 – (0272) 377 5995

 Address: Avenue of Tan Tao University, Tan Duc E. City, Duc Hoa, Long An