[TTU NEWS] School of Engineering – Tan Tao University


School of Engineering of TTU educated Bachelors of Computer Science – Oriented to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence creative and knowledgeable. Capable of solving problems. Have good ethics and ability to communicate, exchange expertise, teamwork.
The Knowledge of the boys and girls of the School of Engineering is very diverse, including Knowledge of natural sciences, social sciences, industry knowledge, and industry foundations.
Engineers graduating from Computer Science – Oriented to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence can work in many different positions in enterprises in the main fields of Computer Science – Orientation Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, it is possible to continue further study in related areas such as BIOMEDICAL, COMPUTER SCIENCE, AUTOMOBILE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, OIL & GAS, ELECTRICITY, AEROSPACE INDUSTRY.
Tan Tao University – American University in Vietnam
Mail: info@ttu.edu.vn
Website: http://tuyensinh.ttu.edu.vn/
Phone: 0981.152.153 – (0272) 377 5995
Address: Avenue of Tan Tao University, Tan Duc E. City, Duc Hoa, Long An