Workshop Choosing a happy career “The 4.0 industrial revolution choosing future careers” at Tan An High School


On the morning of December 11, 2023, Tan Tao University coordinated with Tan An High School to organize the program “Choose happy profession” with the theme “Industrial Revolution 4.0, choosing future careers” with the participation of students from Tan An High School.

Workshop Choosing a Happy Career with the topic “Industrial Revolution 4.0, choosing a future career” shared by speaker Dr. Nguyen Mai Lam – Vice Provost of Tan Tao University gave young people at Tan An High School general knowledge about innovative thinking so that they can quickly adapt to social reality through practical activities. Industry stories, survey information,…

Dr. Nguyen Mai Lam – Vice Provost of Tan Tao University shared the topic “Industrial Revolution 4.0, choosing future careers” at Tan An High School

Through interactive sessions and consulting support, the program has encouraged students to boldly raise problems, provide critical thinking and decision-making skills, prepare for a future with many opportunities and boldly accept challenges.

Along with that, the concept of “Industrial Revolution 4.0” is mentioned a lot in many media, leading to great opportunities for “changing the lives” of not only businesses in Vietnam but also progress. of each individual if they can catch and master this wave of technology.

Tan An High School students interacted with Dr. Nguyen Mai Lam – Vice Provost of Tan Tao University

Nowadays, everything is industrialized and modernized towards 4.0 (a combination of technologies that help blur the lines of communication). boundaries between physical, digital and biological fields) helps narrow the gap between countries, opening up global recruitment opportunities. They can seize the opportunity to work with international businesses and organizations, sharing ideas and experiences with experienced workers in diverse corporations in many countries around the world.

The program “Choose a happy career” at Tan An High School through the sharing of speaker Dr. Nguyen Mai Lam – Vice Provost of Tan Tao University received enthusiastic response from the School Board of Directors and students of the school.. From there, career guidance for students not only answers information surrounding the profession but is also a “guideline” directing students to social trends. This is a golden time to explore, learn, and prepare for a creative, promising future.