English playground: Final round of “The 5th English Olympic Contest for Long An Province Students”


To create a healthy and useful playground for students to practice and learn knowledge and skills in using English On the afternoon of September 24, 2023, at Levy Hall, the Long An Provincial Youth Union, in collaboration with Tan Tao University (TTU), organised the “5th English Olympic Contest for Long An Province Students”.

Participating in the programme were comrades Pham Van Hau – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, Secretary of Duc Hoa District Youth Union and Nguyen Quoc Man – Member of the Standing Committee, Secretary of Duc Hoa District Youth Union. On the side of Tan Tao University, there are Mr. Duong Hoai An – Head of Communications and Admissions Department, and nearly 300 Youth Union members who are students of high schools in 15 districts, towns, and cities in the area. discussion throughout Long An province and students studying at TTS and TTU.

Delegates came to attend the programme

The contest aims to create a useful, healthy playground and an English training environment for young people, thereby improving communication skills and English use among the province’s youth. In addition, guests shared with the guests about their self-study methods, approaches, and how to apply English effectively at work.

Mr. Pham Van Hau – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, Chairman The Provincial Vietnamese Student Association spoke in the programme.

“Long An Provincial Youth Union coordinated with Tan Tao University to effectively deploy activities associated with the implementation of union work. Through that, the movement to learn and use English has spread to a large number of Union members, young people, pupils, students, as well as the people” – Mr. Pham Van Hau presented.

Master Do Nhat Quyen Quyen, lecturer at the Department of English Language, Tan Tao University, discussed the topic “Overcoming the Fear of English”

Before the final round took place, Master Do Nhat Quyen Quyen, lecturer at the Department of English Language, Tan Tao University, presented the topic “Overcoming the Fear of English” to provide students with specific approaches and methods to become more confident in practicing English and developing communication skills in daily life. This is an important step in building a solid foundation for future success in study and work.

In 2023, the 5th English Olympiad for students in Long An province attracts attention and warm responses from students of high schools, universities, and colleges in the province. With innovation in the organisational format and exciting competition from the preliminary round to the provincial qualifying round, more than 25,000 participants were recorded. The organising committee selected nine excellent contestants to advance to the final round.

The jury judging the final round includes: MSc Le Thi Diem Mi – Lecturer of TTU Language Department; Prof. Dr. Clay Williams – Akita International University; and Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Phuong – High School English Teacher Hau Nghia.

Some pictures of contestants’ entries:

Lam Ngoc Thien Thanh comes from Tan An High School
Nguyen Phuong Ha Anh – Tan Tao University Gifted High School, had a fluent presentation with a diverse vocabulary, showing off her entire exam very confidently.
Students cheered the performances
Nguyen Phuong Anh comes from Duc Hoa High School
Tran Ngoc Thao Vy comes from Thien Ho Duong High School
Nguyen Thi Thuy Vy comes from Duc Hoa High School

At the end of the contest, the organising committee awarded prizes to excellent contestants in their competition, including:

First prize: Nguyen Phuong Ha Anh – Tan Tao University Gifted High School

The second prize:

– Nguyen Phuong Anh – Duc Hoa High School

– Nguyen Thi Thuy Vy – Duc Hoa High School

The third prize:

– Nguyen Thi Lan Anh – Long An University of Economics and Industry

– Lam Ngoc Thien Thanh – Tan An High School

– Tran Ngoc Thao Vy – Thien Ho Duong High School

Consolation prizes:

– Truong Nguyen Trong Nhan – Long An High School for the Gifted

– Nguyen Thi Truc Han – Duc Hoa High School

– Tran Thi Tam Doan – Tan An High School

Movement Award: The collective that achieved outstanding achievements in implementing the contest belonged to Duc Hoa High School.

It can be said that exchange activities and English-speaking talent competitions are opportunities for youth participants and students to experience and try their best, as well as create a healthy playground and exchange environment, exchanging and learning from each other among students with English talent from English clubs, teams, and groups at colleges, universities, and high schools throughout Long An province.

“The 5th English Olympic Contest for Students of Long An Province” in 2023 is not only an opportunity for students to demonstrate their abilities but also an opportunity to experience a suggestion on how to learn English effectively. At the same time, bringing English closer to everyday life and encouraging students to learn, practice, speak, write, and think in English to integrate with the world and become global citizens future.