The decryption of captivation of Biotechnology and Applied biology


Applied Biology and Biotechnology are two of the most engaging disciplines and tend to thrive in the field of technology in the future. However, because of the limited information, most students find it difficult to determine whether they should choose these two subjects to fulfill their dream. It can be understandable, in order to succeed in the future, now students are dealing with the tip of the iceberg to make the right decision of the academic field in which can enhance their ability in higher education.

The following article will explain the bottleneck-thinking and help you unblock bottlenecks in the field of Applied Biology and Biotechnology and the career opportunities. Let’s begin!


In company with trends in globalization, 3 criteria are considered as “prerequisite” of every students after graduating. First, students have a strong background in their field. Second, they are good at practical experience and soft skills. Last but not least, they must have English proficiency of their field. With the quality of student’s educational outputs, almost bachelors at Tan Tao University are fulfilled these 3 criteria to respond to the call of human resources of companies, corporations, universities and research institutes.

Bachelors at Tan Tao University are fulfilled prerequisites to respond to the call of human resources of companies, corporations, universities and research institutes


This field orientates students to focus on learning and researching in the laboratory (Lab): Bio-Medicine, Animal Biotechnology, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Microbiological Technology, Plant Biotechnology, Aquaculture Biotechnology and Bioremediation, in order to train bachelors to apply modern biotechnology not only to make economical products of animals / plants / microorganisms / diagnosis models but also fulfill their academic aspects. In addition, Biotechnology will focus on the research of new generation of biopharmaceuticals of the world’s Green Technology Strategies. Moreover, this field also trains future experts in order to preserve precious and rare animal genetic sources of the world, particularly in Viet Nam.

Applied Biology

This field aims to teach students skills and abilities of modern biotechnology to apply and solve problems or in order to develop and commercialize products made in the Lab. In addition, they have been trained intensive skills of the applied biotechnology which handles the use of animals for research in the pharmaceuticals to produce the new generation of pharmaceuticals and the application of cell and gene therapy aim to treat, prevent or cure diseases in humans and animals. Graduates of this field can easily work in the Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology Company or develop kits serving the rapid diagnosis of human, animals, plants and precious aquatic animals. Besides, they can work at the development centers, the application of stem cells in human body. Additionally, students can also participate in the development of biological products serving industries such as food, agriculture and the environment.

Precisely because of an extremely important role in human life, the field of Biotechnology and Applied Biology is determined to be the discipline of the future. There are always employment opportunities for students studying these two disciplines.”


The Prime Minister issued Decision No. 553 / QD-TT approving the Master Plan supporting the development of biotechnology in 2030. Accordingly, this decision focuses on investment in development of biology and the renovation of policies; enlisting international cooperation; creating favorable conditions for businesses to invest and produce biotechnology products (biotechnology enterprises) in the fields of agriculture, industry, medicine, environmental protection, security and national defense and play an important role of economics of technology, promoting economic growth, serving social security, protecting sustainable environment, ensuring national security. Up to now, there have been many institutes, research centers, training institutions, plenty of of technology application departments and biotechnology companies have been established. Thus, this is a great career opportunity for Bachelor of Biotechnology and Applied Biology to achieve career success with a “best” pay.

After graduation, you can apply for multiple roles such as: biotech specialist in companies, production operation engineer, management and quality assurance in factories producing pharmaceutical and foods, testing centers, laboratories, departments of research and development of microbiology, plant biotechnology and animal biotechnology, laboratory staff in hospitals, medical centers, reproductive health and infertility center.


The School of Biotechnology of TTU has 2 disciplines: Biotechnology and Applied Biology, including Bio-Medicine (Bio-Medicine); Biopharmaceuticals (Biopharmaceuticals); Animal Biotechnology; Plant Biotechnology; Aquaculture Biotechnology; Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Bioremediation) and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Bioremediation).

Tan Tao University has committed to equipping the knowledge of modern biotechnology for students. Especially, the outstanding graduates will be introduced to continue to pursue full funded scholarships for Masters and PhD degrees at famous biotechnology research laboratories in the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea. These following “POWERFUL KEYS” of Tan Tao University (TTU) have equipped to help students of the Department of Biotechnology easily become “GLOBAL CITIZENS.”

  • 100% training program in English following the model of Liberal Arts helps students attain knowledge management, self-discipline and self-study, critical thinking and take opportunities to participate in international program. It is considered as a tool for students be able to become Global Citizens in the future.
  • 100% of lecturers of School of Biotechnology and TTU are foreigners or Vietnamese who have graduated PhD and have experiences working abroad; so, they have met the teaching requirements of 100% in English-teaching.
  • At the first year, students not only have the chance to learn practical knowledge but also to implement research topics at the biotechnology laboratory.
Mr. Ta Van Quang – Lecturer of School of Biotechnology, facilitating the students in the laboratory.


  • Biotechnology students have also participated in reporting at international conferences and writing research papers. Especially, lecturers spend many hours answering student’s questions or problems in their learning, researching as well as their difficult in life whenever students need.

Hope that you can unblock the bottleneck of mysterious information of this field “What is Biotechnology and Applied Biology? The career opportunities?” for students who are determining the right journey to fulfill their higher education. Be confident and ready to accomplish your dream!


Good luck!