What should candidates pay attention to for the National High School Graduation Exam 2025?


The year 2025 marks a significant transition in the organization of the National High School Graduation Exam with the implementation of the 2018 General Education Program. This exam not only brings numerous changes in terms of format and exam content but also has a considerable impact on university admission methods. For 12th-grade students, grasping essential information about the exam is crucial to ensure the best possible preparation.

The main objective of the National High School Graduation Exam is to accurately assess students’ academic abilities. Over the years, the results of this exam have consistently served as the primary admission criterion for most universities and colleges. Beyond determining graduation eligibility, the exam results are also used to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning at high schools across the country.

The 2025 National High School Graduation Exam will assess students’ comprehensive abilities

At the same time, the results from the National High School Graduation Exam will serve as an important basis for universities and colleges in their admission processes. Therefore, the exam must ensure accuracy, fairness, and reflect students’ true abilities. With changes in both exam structure and content, students should take note of the following information:

  1. Reduction in the Number of Exam Subjects and Sessions

One of the most notable changes in the 2025 high school graduation exam is the reduction in the number of exam subjects and sessions. Instead of four exam sessions as in previous years, this year’s exam will take place over three sessions, including two compulsory subjects: Mathematics and Literature, along with two elective subjects chosen from Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Foreign Languages.

Notably, Information Technology and Technology will be included for the first time as elective subjects, marking a significant shift aimed at meeting the demands of technological skills in the digital era. This change provides students with more options to showcase their strengths while also reducing the pressure of exam preparation.

  1. Changes in Exam Room Arrangement

Unlike previous years, the 2025 exam will adopt a fixed exam room arrangement. Instead of moving between rooms for different subjects, each candidate will take all their exams in one designated room for the entire exam period. This change not only offers convenience for the students but also reduces the stress associated with constant movement between exam rooms.

  1. Adjustments to Graduation Assessment Calculation

Another key change in the 2025 exam is the way graduation scores are calculated. Instead of relying solely on exam scores and the average grade for 12th grade, the new formula will consider the cumulative grade averages of all high school years. The average grade from 10th grade will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1, from 11th grade by 2, and from 12th grade by 3. The total will then be divided by 6 to determine the final graduation assessment.

This adjustment aims to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of students’ academic performance throughout all three years of high school, avoiding the tendency for students to focus solely on final exam results while neglecting their long-term learning process.

The changes in the 2025 National High School Graduation Exam are designed to not only reduce pressure on students but also align the exam with the goal of assessing comprehensive competency. By reducing the number of subjects, changing exam room arrangements, and adjusting the graduation score calculation, students will be encouraged to focus on their long-term learning journey. Both 12th graders and their parents should stay updated on the new information and plan accordingly to achieve the best results in this important exam.