Inspirational Graduation Ceremony 2020


TTU – Tan Tao University (TTU) organized the Graduation Ceremony for doctors and bachelors, with the participation of professors, doctors, delegates and distinguished guests. The 2020 Graduation Ceremony impresses new graduates with many inspirational speeches.

On October 18, 2020, Tan Tao University solemnly held the Graduation Ceremony at Canary Club Hall. Attending the ceremony, there was attendance of delegates, distinguished guests, teachers and students. Besides, because of the outbreak of Covid-19, members of the Board of Trustees as well as important guests would attend the ceremony through Zoom.

Tan Tao University solemnly held Graduation Ceremony 2020

The ceremony opened with a performance from students of Tan Tao University. Then, everyone took a minute of silence to honor Prof. Malcolm Gillis – President of Rice University, Founding Member, First Chairman of Academic Council of TTU for his contribution to the development of this great institution.

In the opening speech, the founder of Tan Tao University – Prof. Ed.D. Dang Thi Hoang Yen – Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees – Provost of TTU said: “Time has passed since Tan Tao University was officially licensed by the Ministry of Education. Through ups and downs, TTU still firmly pursued the goal of building an American Liberal Arts university and becoming “Harvard of Vietnam.”

During my visits to world-famous universities, I have stood in front of the majestic features of Oxford University, Columbia University, Harvard University. Each educational firm of the world has a long and respectable history, but perhaps not many in the world are as persistent in pursuing this goal as TTU.There is no barricade that can stop TTU from pursuing its goal of becoming the place to give birth for the young talents of Vietnam.

The generations of graduate students, despite the modest number, have been the pride of TTU. They have been highly regarded by multinational companies, famous universities in the world that granted scholarships to continue pursuing higher education in the United States and other advanced countries.

And the School of Medicine has been led by a great leader – Dr. Thach Nguyen. I also would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Huynh Ho – one of the first pioneers who has been with us from the very beginning. At the same time, I would like to thank all the faculties that have been with TTU which are Dr. Cao Dung, Dr. Tran Hien, Dr. Tran Khanh, Mr. Dang Nhon, Mr. Nguyen Truong. They all shared the same vision with me and contributed their efforts to TTU’s development.

I also would like to send my sincere gratitude to Prof. Malcolm Gillis, Prof. Eugene H. Levy, Ambassador Michael W. Michalak – the founders have devoted their dedication and effort to TTU’s advance.

There is still a long way to go for continuous development and progress, but I still believe that one day we will be proud of TTU.

I would like to congratulate the new graduates who are embarking on the future. Make your dream come true, wherever you are and live your best. Make your family, loved ones and TTU proud. The graduates are the fruitful seeds at TTU.I believe that the new graduates will leave a mark and change this life.

Today is also the opening day of the new school year of TTU and TTS. Freshmen and students are expecting to see the marvel at TTU! They will be guided by the teachers and the employees and the generations of seniors. My dear father taught me: “I have no property to leave for you. Only education can help you change your life!”. My life and yours have proved it. And at TTU, you should take this lucky opportunity to learn and rise, change your own fate and contribute to the community and society. “

Founder – Prof. Ed.D. Dang Thi Hoang Yen- Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees – Provost of TTU

At the ceremony, there was the presence of Sir Michael W. Michalak – Ambassador of the United States. He congratulated and sent a profound message to the new graduates: “I am very proud to attend this Graduation Ceremony. After a period of hard work and perseverance, now you are rewarded for their efforts. I am delighted to see all of you advance forward because the world needs you. We need specialized knowledge and new perspectives. And more than that, we also need your motivation and determination. Every year, we deal with a new world with new challenges, but this year, perhaps we are facing the biggest challenges at the beginning of the decade, the Covid pandemic. Covid-19 is devastating the world seriously, and has changed the way we see the world, the way we live and work. And we need new perspectives on the world. Many new graduates have been studying Medicine which is a great choice but I want you to grow, to gain experience and be calm when bad things occur.”

Bachelor of TTU

The most important moment of the Graduation Ceremony was the announcement of the honorary recognition of graduation for 52 new bachelors from the School of Medicine, Humanities and Languages and Biotechnology. Particularly, the graduated students from the School of Medicine have made Hippocrates oath – expressing the determination to preserve the ethics and being ready to perform the noble responsibilities assigned by the society.

Bachelor of TTU

Right at the Graduation Ceremony, special luck for the new graduates, with the opportunity to listen to the inspirational speech from Professor of Medicine – Dr. Peter Singer has sent positive and practical messages: “Young doctors, you are entering our field at a unique time. This year you have been witnessing the critical importance of efforts of medical and public health workers in combating this pandemic. The knowledge, determination and skill of health care workers has been evident for all to see, and now you are part of the special fraternity of people who unselfishly often put themselves in harm’s way to help others. Colleagues (yes, we are now colleagues), you have worked so long and hard to get to this point. I’m sure you all have friends who enjoyed going to movies, going to parties or otherwise socializing, while you’ve stayed home to study. Believe it or not, I was once a medical student. Yes, there were actually medical schools way back then. I studied really hard. “Hey Peter, let’s go out tonight. I can’t, I need to study.” I studied so hard my head hurt. I thought my brain would burst. Think about it young colleagues; with your education and skill you’ll be able to go anywhere in the world, if you so choose, get off a plane and go right to work, and treat sickness, perform surgery, and yes, save lives. My father was right. It has really been worth it. Now, that may seem a bit dramatic, but for sure someday you’ll see that both my dad and I were right, as you improve the lives of your patients every single day. Your possibilities to do good are endless. Isn’t that a wonderful gift?”

Here are Peter Singer’s rules for new doctors:

  1. Listen to your patients. Nine times out of ten if you listen carefully and patiently enough you’ll make the diagnosis.
  2. Believe your patients. If you don’t, they’ll know it, and they won’t trust you.
  3. Touch your patients. Greet them with a handshake or gentle touch. It’s comforting and helps put patients at ease.
  4. Don’t complain to your patients. Leave your problems and other concerns at home.
  5. Show empathy and compassion.
  6. Continue to study and learn. Medicine is constantly evolving, and there’s always so much new and exciting to learn!
  7. Know what you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  8. Have fun. Medicine is so demanding, both on your time, as well as physically and mentally.
  9. Honor the oath that you will take today.
Professor of Medicine – Dr. Peter Singer delivered an inspirational speech to TTU graduates

At the Graduation Ceremony, on behalf of 52 graduates, Le Nguyen Tuong Vy left expressed her gratitude for the chance to study at the most advanced learning environment which combines the quintessence of American and Vietnamese education.

The President’s Honor Award from the President was awarded to honor and encourage Tan Tao students who have had outstanding achievements during their studies, as well as actively participating in the development of TTY. Above all, TTU wants to support and motivate outstanding students to pursue higher education after graduation.

Over the past decade, with perseverance and continuous efforts, Tan Tao University has gained certain achievements in training, scientific research, and international cooperation. Most importantly, TTU has, step by step, built and reinforced the society’s belief in the quality of education. With the vision and mission to make Tan Tao University become a famous university in the world, TTU has constantly improved the curriculum, practiced on the basis of research and accumulated knowledge to serve the people of Vietnam, Southeast Asia and the world.

PR Department