Letter to high school students Class of 2017


Dear friends and parents

First, on behalf of the leadership team of the TTU, the deans, faculty, students and staff, we would like to send you our congratulations for your achievements during this last year of high school. In the US, when a son or a daughter reaches the age of 15, 16, 17 or 18, the parents will consider their son or daughter as a best friend. This new friendship and relationship facilitate all the frank, sincere and enjoyable discussions about life, love, sex, monies, studies or like now, a future career. This is why we call you friend.

Second, the Tan Tao University is proudly embarking on its mission of preparing young people of Vietnam and South East Asia towards a better life of service in their own provinces or countries or abroad. In the US, these four years in the undergraduate program are called Liberal Arts education with emphasis on study in the liberal artsand sciences. The liberal arts program at TTUaims to impart a broad general knowledge and develop general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum. Even so TTU is also teaching the students how to get jobs – preparing them for the outside world, that it’s not just about what you’re learning, it is about the person as a whole.

As academic dean of the school of medicine, I would like to invite you to come to our Long An campus for a visit. This program is called COME and SEE. In this program, the TTU would give your parents, brothers and sisters, best friends and you the best possible opportunity to discover what TTU has to offer. Throughout the day, future students will be able to speak directly to School Deans, lecturers and current students about study and career opportunities within the TTU Schools of Sciences, Business, Medicine, Humanity and Language. You can also be able to find out about the TTU admissions process. The six-year program of the medical school contains all the hallmarks and distinguishing features of an American medical program with additional emphasis on bioethics and applied research experience for all students. You can attend a class, a symposium of presentations by medical students or any activities of medical students.

Sunday March 26,

1.    TTU students will present studies on angioplasty balloon and stents at Thu Duc (a limited number of seats for prospective students is available)

2.    Counseling with US faculty about business and medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Tuesday March 28,

1.    The Maccabee ceremony and the White Coat ceremony (a limited number of seats for prospective students is available).

2.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Wednesday March 29,

1.    Anatomy class taught by Dr Ernest Talarico, from Indiana University (a limited number of seats for prospective students is available)

2.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Wednesday June 7th

1.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Sunday July 2nd    

1.    Medical Mission: Examinations and Treatment of Patients in office setting  (Ambulatory medical teaching for TTU students)

2.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Monday July 3rd  

1.    Scientific symposium on Manufacturing angioplasty balloon and stent and medical devices at Tan Tao U, Long An,

2.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

Friday July 14th

1.    Counseling with US faculty about medical career is available (need to make appointment)

When looking at the TTU for quality indicators for learning and teaching, TTU is proud for its overall quality of educational experience, graduate employment and median graduate starting salary.

“Come and See” programs are free, but to ensure you have a seat please RSVP with your name and number in your party to TTU hotline: 0981 152 153. For additional information, contact Mr Duong Hoai An at an.duong@ttu.edu.vn  Refreshments will be served during the day, courtesy of TTU