Sharing session on Cope with Grief


Everyone of us has had suffered loss. It could be of the most important person to us, or a dear old animal companion in the family. Regardless, we understand that the pain and grief are overwhelming. Sometimes it could feel as if the whole world is crumpling in front of us. Other times it could be filled with boundless regrets about what could have been or what we could have done.

In these couple of days, we at TTU solemnly mourned the loss of a friend, a sister who left us much too soon. Understanding the sadness and memories that this left behind, we at SWEC now respectfully invites you all to the sharing session on Cope with Grief. With more than ten years of experience in Counseling and Psychotherapy, eleven years in the field of care for terminally-ill and dying patients, Ms Phuong Tran, Master of Psychology, will help us understand more about Loss and Grief, practice and be supported.

Ms Phuong Tran got her Master of Arts in Medical and Clinical Psychology from collaborative program of Pham Ngoc Thach University and École de Psychologues Practiciens, Paris, trained and did researches at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital Merlbourne. She currently is lecturer of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, visiting lecturer of University of Medicine and Pharmacy HCM city, VNU, and founder of Nu Cuoi Trai Tim.

The details of our sharing session are as below:

Time: 2 pm Wednesday, October 24th, 2018
Venue: Tan Tao University, Long An


To prepare well for this session, please inform us your attendance by filling the link above by 11 pm Sunday, October 21st, 2018.

We hope that after this talk, you will get valuable information and experiences in order to help yourself, as well as share with your friends and the people around you.

If you have questions, concerns, issues of mental or physical health, please contact SWEC via email or Facebook ( You are not alone. We care!