Students of the School of Biotechnology Reaps Great Achievements


TTU – Tan Tao University along with its departments desires to provide superior training curriculum for students. We, as educators, aspire to integrate the Liberal Arts Education from the United States into Vietnam and leverage students to achieve extraordinary result in their academia study.

With the dedication from the experienced faculties and staffs, every year, Biotechnology students are always rewarded with many honorable achievements. Most recently, Huynh Hong Han and Le Tam Vy, two outliers of the School of Biotechnology have made we proud to complete and acquire great result from the academic.

School of Biotechnology – Tan Tao University

Le Tam Vy – 1 of 15 finalists of the Euréka Scientific Research Student Award

Euréka is a noble award for students who are passionate about scientific research across the country, in order to contribute the quality of training, encouraging students to develop their potential in research; contribute to the applied science, technology to production, business and life.

The 22nd Euréka has been organized with the participation of 1011 candidates from 114 universities and colleges in 29 provinces and cities nationwide. The topics in this year vary from chemical technology, biomedical technology, economics, technology, information technology, agriculture and forestry, food technology, planning, architecture. and construction, education, resources and environment, social and humanitarian legality

The topic of Le Tam Vy in this competition was: “The reduction of DHRS1 predicts poor survival results of patients related to carcinoma liver cells”.

Le Tam Vy – 1 of 15 finalists of the Euréka Scientific Research Student Award

It is clear that the winner will have the research published on the Young Science Journal for Young Science and Technology Development in Ho Chi Minh City (ISSN: 2354 – 1105) or Science and Technology Development Magazine of the National University of Ho Chi Minh City after being evaluated by the Scientific Council.

About the research time, Tam Vy said: “It’s a new field and needed applying data analysis so I have faced many difficulties in doing this research. I, myself spent about 2 months to get acquainted, then the data analysis also needs to be continuously processed and repeated many times to finally end up with the most optimal method and the best results. “

Thanks to this challenge, Le Tam Vy also had some great experiences. She tried editing images with code. We have rushed to meet up with the progress. The study and research are combined. “We meet up with Mr. Nguyen Minh Nam when we have no ideas. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Truong is the strategy coach. In fact, this topic has lasted for a year. There were times when it seemed like I was about to give up. However, it was the lecturers who guided and gave me strength to continue. Do your best, and let the universe arrange that. My current achievement is not on my own but also thanks to the enthusiastic support of teachers of the School of Biotechnology ” – Tam Vy shared.

Huynh Hong Han – Selected for the Vietnam Summer School of Science (VSSS) 2020

Currently, more Vietnamese are pursuing scientific career in research. However, you are challenged by many confusing terms in science and tend to be discouraged when pursuing that path. As a sustainable and fundamental project, Vietnam Science Summer School (VSSS) is an innovative solution to make it possible for young researchers. That also drives Huynh Hong Han – a third-year student in Biotechnology to discover the VSSS and challenge the odds.

With information gathered from other mentors, Hong Han said: “This is the first program that I complete the application. It is the first time I wrote the motivation letter. After getting it done, I fell into a state of great confusion. Time is rushing again. And luckily! After I finished writing, there are friends who are always by my side to support and give me comments. I was also nervous because number of applications from previous years was high. Everyone was excellent and there were a lot of friends who have tried 2 -3 times. But no one knows what’s behind that door so I have to give it a try.

This year, the Covid-19 was a big threat which caused the event to be postponed until December. This has raised many difficulties for Han’s schedule. When the VSSS opens, Han will be taking the midterm exam. She almost missed it, but in the end, the reward is fruitful.

Huynh Hong Han – selected for the VSSS 2020

Hopefully, with the inspiration from the teachers, support and companionship of the friends, Tam Vy and Hong Han will successfully overcome the odds, perfect themselves and have great experiences. Good luck

Department of PR