TTU students and the Aiesec Career Fair 2015


July 19th 2015, TTU students participate in the Aiesec Career Fair 2015 titled “Building the competitive edge for Vietnamese students in the global context” held at The Ho Chi Minh University of Technology.


TTU students in the fair

AIESEC Career Fair is an event that is organized every year seeking to bring employers and prospective employees together through an informal but interactive gathering.

AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin. AIESEC is active in 113 nations, includes 86.000 members, and is sponsored by 8.000 global groups such as: Unilever, PepsiCo, NielSen, Friesland Campina Việt Nam…


AIESEC Career Fair 2015 is oriented in the subject: “developing yourself” and “startup thinking”. Through this event a large number of companies are brought together in one location where students get to explore their career options. The event includes skill workshops, CV writing competition, speed interviews and exhibitions.


Many youths, recent graduates and those still at university are seeking employment or internship and such can be accessed through company workshops organized as companies will be able to say their needs in terms of talents, employment cycle, criteria, and internship opportunities among others.