Workshop “Self-study through the Learning and Teaching Resources”

Learning at university is self-studying! At university, lecturer is guider who help student to find document and do research; lecturer’s lesson plays the role to support student to discuss, do research and write essay.
Therefore many students are confused when finding the most effective studying method for them. The question that must be solved is “How to self-study well?” This is the purpose of the talk: “Self-study through the Learning and Teaching Resources” presented by Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hoang – TTU lecturer. In his talk Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hoang shared his own experience of self-studying and online resources that students can use to update their knowledge such as Youtube, Wikipedia, MITOCW, TFD, Freevideolectures, KhanAcademy, Openculture, WolframAlpha and free classes on Alison, EDX, Coursera.
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Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hoang and students Team work
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Dr. Tran Xuan Thao and students
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