Tan Tao University aspires to become a globally distinguished educational institution, providing excellence in education, while participating in the advancement of knowledge through research and serving the people of Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and the world.
With an educational philosophy, standards, and practices based on the American liberal arts model of higher education, Tan Tao University encourages freedom of thought and expression and seeks to foster tolerance and respect for diversity and dialogue. It aspires to produce individuals committed to creative and critical thinking, life-long learning, personal integrity and civic responsibility, and leadership.
“Liberation – Lifelong Learning”
a. Liberation
The philosophy of liberal arts is based on a comprehensive and multidimensional knowledge foundation in various fields of social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences before delving into a specific discipline. With 25% of liberal subjects being researched, selected, and compiled from various fields in the entire curriculum, on the spirit of free thinking – free to choose, it helps students develop the ability to self-study, self-adapt, and improve themselves in new environments. Therefore, TTU’s training program builds a significant competitive advantage for learners in jobs that require continuous innovation or self-study in a different field of expertise when necessary.
b. Lifelong Learning
Graduates from TTU will be actively seeking to learn and continue learning throughout their lives, in order to enhance their knowledge and expertise to meet the demands of their profession and improve themselves for lifelong work, specifically:
- Adapting to continuous learning to find ways to complete different tasks;
- Proactively setting learning goals and life goals;
- Applying knowledge and skills in a flexible, appropriate, and meaningful way;
- Demonstrating a commitment to maintaining and continuously learning about professional and personal issues;
- Listening, understanding, integrating with their own identity, and making continuous efforts to achieve sustainable success in their careers.

The training program of TTU builds an outstanding competitive advantage for learners in jobs that require constant innovation on a global scale or self-learning in a different field of expertise when necessary, with the advantage of superior English language output. Our team of instructors both domestically and internationally is industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and lecturers with high academic degrees trained at prestigious foreign universities, who always seek modern and effective teaching methods to meet the practical needs of Vietnamese and international society.
We have available Tan Tao Group, Tan Duc with a series of businesses operating in many fields in Vietnam. We have companies in the US market ready to welcome our learners to study with reputable and experienced experts. We come to, welcome and call for partners who are businesses and employers because it’s not just a job, but it shows our deep concern for learners with thousands of products. Thousands of scholarships from Tan Tao Group from ITA Funds for the Future, ITA Fund to Win Diseases, and ITA Fund to Heal Wounds to support learning, medical and material support for disadvantaged people were awarded. to our students, students with outstanding academic records and across the country and also how we care about their future work. We always treat each other with respect and credibility.

We exchange, interact, guide, enthusiastically advise, and give one-on-one advice as soon as our students enter the university lecture hall on the first day with the desire to improve their understanding and mastery knowledge, skill mastery, and virtuosity in practice incubating creativity and nurturing aspirations and instilling persistent will and positive energy so that they are ready to start a successful business. And above all that is the human connection.
We know that when we are located in this area and carry out the principles that we set forth, we are sure to achieve success. This success will be a reward for our shareholders. We take full responsibility for putting each of these elements in the right place so that Tan Tao University can survive and thrive, and Tan Tao University’s learners are the beneficiaries of the development.
Tan Tao University is committed to playing an important role in the environment and serving the community in all of our activities. We fulfill this mission by committing to:
Understand environmental issues and share information with our partners and learners.
Buy and use environmentally friendly products with the criterion: Save – Reuse – Recycle.
Bringing environmental responsibility into the value of Tan Tao University.