Reproductive health workshop 2019


Sexuality education in Tan Tao University takes a positive view of sexual development as a natural part of growing up. It encompasses learning about physical development, including sexual and reproductive knowledge, gender identity, relationships, friendships and social issues. It sits within the broader area of relationship education, which also includes social and emotional learning (SEL), and violence prevention education.

In sexuality education young people learn about themselves and develop knowledge and skills that will help them to interact in positive, respectful, and supportive ways with others.

Tan Tao high school students are juveniles, who are in the period of personality developing and ultimate curiosity. Moreover, they are living in dorm environment, which contains lots of risks for false awareness and unacceptable actions. Those actions might even lead to terrible consequences. We believe that organizing sex education and reproductive health workshops is extremely necessary, if not mandatory.

Therefore, on Saturday, March 16th, Safety and Wellness Committee (SWEC) organized a Workshop on “Reproductive Health” with the participation of many students from Tan Tao University.

SWEC Co-chair Pham Hong Gia Nguyen was presenting about SWEC

The workshop received lots of support from studetns. On the second row, the second person on the left, Doctor Nguyen Ha Ngoc Thien Thanh – Ob&Gyn lecturer at Tan Tao University.

After a common session where Ms. Thien Thanh presented a general view about reproductive health, participants are divided into 5 groups for 5 particular rooms for more specific topics: pregnancy prevention methods, sex safety, menstrual cycle, gynecologic and andrologic diseases, physiopsychological changes during puberty.

Dr. Nguyen Ha Ngoc Thien Thanh – a kind and young Ob&Gyn lecturer at Tan Tao University.

“Pregnancy Prevention Methods” room: showing how to use a condom properly.

“Physiopsychological changes during puberty” room: presenting about how our bodies changes during growing-up.

The students’ curiosity and knowledge-seeking minds…

… made the workshop more interactive and lively.

Especially, participants had a chance to practice common pregnancy prevention methods such as condom and take part in fun games that had educational meaning. The students’ curiosity and knowledge-seeking minds together with enthusiastic presenters are what made the workshop more interactive and lively.

Students were practicing how to wear condoms properly.

The workshop successfully ended, mostly thanks to the students’ interest and participation. Though this workshop, SWEC hope to provide a general and effective view about sex education.

Please let us know your comments about this workshop and what topic you want to know about in the future. If you need to share something, believe that we are always here for you.

Once again, SWEC wants to thank you all for staying with us. We hope that you will support SWEC more and more in the future.