Online bedside round of Dr Peter Singer on each Wednesday of March 2020


Long An, February 27, 2020

To: Pham Nguyen Vinh MD
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Tan Tao University School of Medicine, Long An, VN
C/C Drs Le X Truong, Tran Van Hung, Tran PH Nhan,

REF: Online bedside round of Dr Peter Singer on each
Wednesday of March 2020

Dear Professor Pham Nguyen Vinh

On Wednesday February 26, Dr Peter Singer gave his online lecture on endocrinology to TTU medical students. The session was well attended and the Question and Answer period was quite lively with active discussion. Yesterday Dr Singer discussed with me the plan for bedside rounding as he did in 2019 with TTU medical students. He believes that the students can present a case and he will ask question, give comments and teaching points ONLINE. He
believes that the students will benefit from the online bedside teaching as much as in a face to face bedside teaching. I am sending you this letter asking the permission to set up on

Date Wednesday March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Time 11:00AM to 12:00PM (Vietnam time zone)
8:00PM to 900PM (US Pacific time, Tuesday 3/3)

Activity: Bedside Teaching Round of Endocrinology
2 case presentations, 30 minutes each
10 minutes presentation and 20 minutes discussion

Speaker Peter A. Singer, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Medicine
Chief, Clinical Endocrinology, Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA USA