On Payment of tuition fees of the second semester of AY 2024-2025 for full-time...
- Based on Decisions: Decision No.125/QĐ-ĐHTT.2024 dated August 01, 2024, Decision No.115/QĐ-ĐHTT.2023 dated August 01, 2023, Decision No.153/QĐHP-TTU.2022 dated September 21, 2022, Decision No.45/QĐHP-TTU.2021...
Announcement regarding the holiday break in 2024
Căn cứ Kế hoạch số 12/KH-ĐHTT.23 ngày 14 tháng 07 năm 2023 về Kế hoạch đào tạo năm học 2023-2024 - Lịch năm học...
On Payment of tuition fees of the first semester of AY 2024-2025 for full-time...
- Based on Decisions: Decision No.115/QĐ-ĐHTT.2023 dated August 01, 2023, Decision No.153/QĐHP-TTU.2022 dated September 21, 2022, Decision No.45/QĐHP-TTU.2021 dated August 15, 2021, Decision No....
On Payment of tuition fees of the second semester of AY 2023-2024 for full-time...
- Based on Decisions: Decision No.115/QĐ-ĐHTT.2023 dated August 01, 2023, Decision No.153/QĐHP-TTU.2022 dated September 21, 2022, Decision No.45/QĐHP-TTU.2021 dated August 15, 2021, Decision No....