General Announcements

Tan Tao University announced the entrance exam score in 2023

Today, August 22, 2023, the Tan Tao University Admissions Council released the entry score based on the results of the high school graduating exam...

On Payment of tuition fees of the first semester of AY 2023-2024 for full-time...

- Based on Decisions: Decision No.153/QĐHP-TTU.2022 dated September 21, 2022, Decision No.45/QĐHP-TTU.2021 dated August 15, 2021,  Decision No. 70/QĐHP-TTU.2020 dated September 03, 2020,  Decision...

On Payment of tuition fees of the first semester of AY 2023-2024

On Payment of tuition fees of the first semester of AY 2023-2024 for full-time undergraduate programs applicable to General Medicine of 2023- 2029 (YK11);...

Final exam schedule – Summer semester, academic year 2022-2023

Note: List of students will be announced later. Final exam schedule - Summer semester, academic year 2022-2023

Tan Tao University announced the tuition fees in 2023: Stabilizing the full course fee...

In recent times, the issue of increasing annual tuition fees of universities has become a matter of concern for students and their families. Therefore,...

Tan Tao University Announces The Admission Score By Results Of The National High School...

Tan Tao University Announces The Admission Score By Results Of The National High School Exam In 2023 The average score of the regular university entrance...


TTU announces the specific admission score requirements and competency assessment exam for the main university admission at Tan Tao University for the year 2023...

Final exam schedule round 2 – the Spring semester, the academic year 2022-2023

Applied for students majored in General Medicine, Nursing, and Medical Technology 

On organizing the final exam in the Spring 2023 semester – round 1, academic...

Trường Đại học Tân Tạo thông báo về việc tổ chức kỳ thi kết thúc học phần đợt 1 - học kỳ mùa Xuân,...

Talent Scholarship Grant for admitted students to Tan Tao University based on the ...

QUYẾT ĐỊNH V/v: Cấp học bổng tài năng cho sinh viên trúng tuyển vào Trường Đại học Tân Tạo theo chính sách giảm học phí...