Bachelor degrees are awarded to students who meet the following requirements:
1. Registered at TTU full time for at least four full semesters
2. Completed the requirements of at least one major degree program
3. Completed at least 128 semester hours for engineering students and 120 semester hours for all other students
4. Completed at least 60 semester hours at Tan Tao University
5. Completed all TTU courses satisfying degree requirements with a cumulative grade point average of elective courses at least 1.67 or higher
6. Completed all TTU courses that satisfy major and/or minor requirements (as designated by the department) and all mandatory courses with grade of at least 2.00 or higher.
7. Satisfied the English composition requirement: TOEFL 600 or equivalent;
8. Completed courses of physical education, national defense education and other courses required by MoET;
9. Demonstrated to be a student in good academic and disciplinary standing who is not under investigation