
Talent Scholarship Grant for admitted students to Tan Tao University based on the ...

QUYẾT ĐỊNH V/v: Cấp học bổng tài năng cho sinh viên trúng tuyển vào Trường Đại học Tân Tạo theo chính sách giảm học phí...

Tuition Aid for medical students, classes 2015-2021 (YK3) and 2016-2022 (YK4) Fall 2019

DECISION Re: Tuition Aid for medical students, classes 2015-2021 (YK3) and 2016-2022 (YK4) Fall 2019 QUYẾT ĐỊNH V/v: Hỗ trợ học phí cho sinh viên Khoa Y khóa...

Payment of tuition fees of the first semester, full-time undergraduate programs, AY 2020-2021

- Based on Decision No 70 /QĐHP-TTU.2020 dated September 03,2020 by Provost of Tan Tao University on tuition for full-time undergraduates AY 2020-2021 applicable...

Payment of tuition fees of the first semester, full-time undergraduate programs, AY 2019-2020

ANNOUNCEMENT/ THÔNG BÁO ---------------------------------- - Based on Decision No.108/QĐHP-TTU.2019 dated September 26,2019 by Provost of Tan Tao University on tuition for full-time undergraduates AY 2019-2020...

Payment of tuition fees of the second semester, full-time undergraduate programs, AY 2018-2019

- Based on Decision No.54/QĐHP-TTU.2018 dated August 10,2018 by Provost of Tan Tao University on tuition for full-time undergraduates AY 2018-2019 applicable to General...

Scholarship Grant for Tan Tao University students – Admission Policy Spring 2020

DECISION Re: Scholarship Grant for Tan Tao University students – Admission Policy Spring 2020 QUYẾT ĐỊNH V/v: Cấp học bổng cho sinh viên Trường Đại học...

On Fees for Exam Retaking and Course Repeating Applicable to Medical Students in AY...

On Fees for Exam Retaking and Course Repeating Applicable to Medical Students of 2013-2019 (YK1), 2014-2020 (YK2), 2015-2021 (YK3), 2016-2022 (YK4), 2017-2023 (YK5) in...

ITA Scholarship Grant for Tan Tao University students – Spring 2020

DECISION Re: ITA Scholarship Grant for Tan Tao University students – Spring 2020   QUYẾT ĐỊNH V/v: Cấp học bổng Tài năng (ITA) cho sinh viên...

On collection of tuition fees of the second semester for full-time undergraduate programs ...

- Based on Decision No.108/QĐHP-TTU.2019 dated September 26, 2019 by Provost of Tan Tao University on tuition fees for full-time undergraduates of AY 2019-2020...