Payment of tuition fees of the second semester, full-time undergraduate programs, AY 2017-2018


The TTU’s Finance- Accounting Department announces:

Tuition Fees:

Major  Courses Tuition fees (VNĐ)


General Medicine



YK 1 (2013- 2019)

YK2 (2014- 2020)

46.900.000 VNĐ/semester
YK 3 (2015- 2021)

YK4 (2016- 2022)

69.600.000 VNĐ/ semester

YK5 (2017- 2023)

75.000.000 VNĐ/semester
Major  Courses Tuition fees (VNĐ)






2011-2015; 2012-2016

2013-2017; 2014-2018

2015-2019; 2016-2020

1.400.000 VNĐ/credit (theory)             

2.050.000 VNĐ/credit (practice or TOEFL)




2017- 2021

English: 20.000.000 VNĐ/ semester

1.300.000 VNĐ/credit (theory)

1.950.000 VNĐ/credit (practice or TOEFL)


  1. Others :

+ The University Facilities Fee: 300,000 VND/ semester 

+ The Student Council Fee : 70,000 VND/ semester


  • The tuition fees do not include expenses for books, notebooks, other learning materials, tuition fees for courses as regulated by MoET and USMLE courses.
  • The tuition fees arepaid by semester and will be non-refundable under any circumstances. All students must finish their tuition payment by the due date. Students who are granted scholarships will be notified the official decision in which the scholarship amount will be given. Students will not be officially invited to be present for any academic courses until they complete their tuition payment.
  1. Deadline: 

 From 02nd January 2018 to 19th  January 2018 

Late payment of tuition fees: Students who do not pay the tuition fee on the due date will have to pay a late-payment fee according to the tuition and fees guidelines for 2017

 Payment Modes:

Students can choose one of the following modes of payment:

+ In cash: At Accounting Dept, Tan Tao University, E. City Tan Duc, Duc Hoa,  Long An

+ Via Bank Transfer:

Beneficiary: Tan Tao University

Account number: 10000 1166217at National Citizen Bank (NCB), Long An branch

Note: Students must clearly note full name, student’s ID, and semester for which to apply payment.

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