Data science – development trend of the era


Formed since the development of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Data Science is a multidisciplinary field of study and plays an important role in the advancement of science and technology nowadays. This is due to harsh competition in digital technology. The winner is the one who master and have bigger data resources. Therefore, the demand for the human resources in this field is increasing and Data Science courses are becoming necessary for those who are interested in this field.

From the staff having responsibilities for processing data to learners studying data science or even the lecturers and managers also need the courses of data science to get updated with the continuous development of the society.

Capturing this need as well as helping many learners have the opportunity to get a glimpse of Data Science and learn new things about this field of study, School of Engineering of Tan Tao University organized a free Data Science Course which last 4 days on campus and provided the learners with full support of travel and accommodation.

The course received a lot of participation of fellow practitioners and learners from many places, with various levels including officials and employees of companies as well as lecturers and students from universities not only in HCMC but also schools in Can Tho, Binh Duong and Khanh Hoa.

The program had the participation of prestigious lecturers of School of Engineering (SOE) along with numerous of lecturers from many universities in HCMC as well as leading experts in Data Science of many tech – companies.

In the beginning, Dr. Tuan – Lecturer of University of Natural Science, HCMC introduced the role of Machine Learning in solving the math problem of Data Science: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) –> Data Mining –> Machine Learning. In addition, he also introduced 3 types of math problem in Machine Learning (Supervised, Unsupervised and Semi Supervised Learning) and the difference of Machine Learning compared to regular programming.

Dr. Tran Anh Tuan, Lecturer of University of Natural Sciences, HCMC – participated in training in the course at Tan Tao University.
The learners were extremely excited after the first day of the course because of the interesting things that the course brought.

On the 2nd day of the course, the learners continued to work with Dr. Tuan and immerse themselves in exercises and algorithms related to Unsupervised Learning as well as Semi-Supervised Machine Learning.

Dr. Tuan – shared information with learners on the 2nd day of the course.

It will be an extremely serious flaw of Data Science if Big Data techniques and technologies are not mentioned. In this 4.0 era, it can be said that “Big Data is an essential part of an enterprise”. Eventually, MapReduce programming model and Spark platform are used for Big Data had been explained by Dr. Hieu.

Dr. Vu Quang Hieu, – Head of Data Science Department, Zalora Company – gave lectures passionately.
The enthusiastic participation of the learners is the motivation for the lecturers to teach in this special and meaningful course

The speciality that the course brought was how to solve real-world problems faced by many Data Scientist. MA. Pham Thanh Lam, Head of Data Science Department of VNG Company answered to the learners on the 2nd day of school. A series of advice and questions from fellow learners along with attractive speech of Mr. Lam had taken most of the lesson’s time.

In the afternoon of the 3rd day of the course, Dr. Tran Tuan Anh – AI Consultant of Cinnamon AI Lab; Lecturer of Bach Khoa University, HCMC explained to learners about where the data comes from. One of the most important sources Dr. Tuan Anh pointed out was the “image material”. And the story of how people extracted data from images and current achievements had been shared in an engaging way.

MA. Pham Thanh Lam – Head of Data Science Department of VNG Company answered how to solve practical problems with Data Science.
Although they spent 3 days, the learners were still interested and always attentive to the lecturers’ sharing and interesting things that the course brought.
Dr. Tran Tuan Anh, AI Consultant – Cinnamon AI Lab and Lecturer of Bach Khoa University, HCMC explained to learners about where the data comes from.

After 3 school days, Data Science learners have learned a lot about algorithms, data and origin as well as how to extract data. However, the numbers could not bring the true meaning behind the codes, however, that required us to know how to visualize and convey the information they bring. That was also the content of the last lesson that TS. Nguyen Dinh Quyen, Data Scientist, Intel Company, conveyed to learners – Data Visualization.

Dr. Nguyen Dinh Quyen – Data Scientist of Intel Company helped learners understand more about Data Visualization.

The course ended after 4 days leaving many learners with different thoughts and emotions. In addition to the knowledge that learners have learned in the previous school, the knowledge from this course has helped to supplement their knowledge, as well as help them become more confident when studying and working in the future.

“Teachers are mainly experts and very knowledgeable about the field which they had been majoring in. Furthermore, their communication is very good and easy to understand “was the common opinion of the learners. Luu Thi Phuong Thao, a student of the University of Economics in HCMC also commented: “Thanks to the course, I have a more general view because when we go to school, we cannot learn things like this.” The learners also thanked the organizers for their support in traveling, accommodation and studying conditions during the course.

Learners were given certificates after completing the course.

Besides, the School of Engineering was also pleased to receive the compliments as well as the positive comments of the learners, thereby assessing and improving the quality for the next courses. After this course, we hope the knowledge that the learners received will really help them in learning or teaching, as well as working, which is also a great motivation for the organizers.

In addition, lessons from lecturers are also updated on the website and official fan page of School of Engineering of TTU to help learners review and share with others to understand more about Data Science – interesting things that they have experienced for 4 days at Tan Tao University.

Link fan page of School of Engineering