Internship condition of General Medical students at Tan Tao


The General Practitioner curriculum at Tan Tao University (TTU) has a total training time of six years. Students will conduct their study for the first two years on the TTU’s Long An campus and the rest of clinical study in the network of 18 specialised and general hospitals will take place in HCMC.

The first two years is dedicated to foundational theory in medicine study beside simulated practice and Medical English.

A tutorial section at TTU campus.

During this time, students will have frequent opportunities to study directly with lecturers coming from abroad. It not only helps students enhance their knowledge but helps them in applying medical English skills into practice as well.

Finnish expert coaching students on first aid skills.

When the first two years conclude is the four years for students to spend one half of the day studying the theory and one remaining half to go to the clinic directly to learn, and examine patients on the beds.

Students will take their clinical study through a network of 18 large hospitals, including many hospitals under the central tier that Tan Tao is currently connected. These hospitals include Cho Ray, Thong Nhat, Nguyen Tri Phuong … This is a very special condition that Tan Tao is one of very few medical training units in the province can bring to students.

Students’ internship at Cho Ray Hospital.

The biggest benefit that students receive is the opportunity to study in deep specialist hospitals – Oncology Cancer Research at the Oncology Hospital, to study tuberculosis at Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, to study dermatology at the Dermatology Hospital, study Dentistry at the Odonto-Stomatology Hospital …

Students studying at Oncology Hospital.

In particular, for the first time in Vietnam, Tan Tao University and two hospitals – Thong Nhat and Nguyen Tri Phuong – have cooperated to successfully implement a clinical practice programme within 18 months after graduation to obtain a Certificate of Practicing. This is a combination of the original programme in Vietnam and of the advances in the same programme currently applied in the US, and the programme will start enrolling from September, 2019.

At the same time, Tan Tao medical students continue to study specialised English for four years of clinical study, focusing on the necessary English proficiency in the USMLE exam. This English skill is still a huge advantage even if students decide not to take the USMLE exam, as it will help graduate students improve and update medical advances and innovations in the world that are usually only conveyed in English.

In order to improve the English language of the students of the General Medicine and also to enhance the exchange of experiences and learn from the advanced medicine in developed countries, Tan Tao offers many internship opportunities at US medical care facilities such as St. Mary Medical Center (Hobart, Indiana), Methodist Hospital (Merrillville, Indiana), Hermann Memorial (Houston, Texas) …

Students’ internship at the Hematology anatomy Department of Memorial Hermann Hospital (USA).
Students’ internship at Yonsei University (Korea).

Dissection classes led by PhD. Ernest Talarico are also opened to students at Tan Tao. This is a very prestigious dissection course, held in the US twice a year which is rather difficult for medical students in Vietnam to participate.

Students in dissection class of PhD. Ernest Talarico (US).

In addition, if students choose to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), students will receive the maximum support from Tan Tao, especially in terms of paperwork, optimal for students to have the best time to practice.

Most of the teaching and managing faculty in the school of General Medicine of Tan Tao University are seniors. Each had taught and managed the medical school at large public medical universities for decades.

Group photo of lecturers and students at the Macchabée Ceremony.

At the end of management age, because these teachers did not want to waste their experience and accumulated knowledge for many years, they joined Tan Tao family, and continue to contribute to the nurture of young generation for the nation’s health care.

Thanks to the seniority of these teachers, Tan Tao is one of the few private institutions that has networks with many of the best hospitals for students to go to conduct their clinical practice.