Letter from Vice Dean of Medicine School


Dear Faculty, staff, parents of students and students

As the most senior administrative staff of the Tan Tao University medical school, I would like to send all of you my warmest greetings.  In the past few months, there were many questions, discussions related to the school. I don’t try to avoid them. However, in my first letter to faculty, staff, parents of students and students, I like to focus of what we will do in the next 6 months. In the next letter, I will discuss about the past.

To all FACULTY: Professors, Instructors, Clinical faculty, I would like to thank you personally on behalf of the TTU medical school and students. The school and the students appreciate and treasure your dedication, efforts and works. My job is to support your works and the job of the school to provide an ideal environment so you can fulfill your duties. My principle of work is by consensus building so all the times, I never refuse to hear your opinions, concerns and suggestions.

To all staff, I like to thank you personally for all of the works we all did and are doing for the TTU medical school and students. The success of the school and students are our rewards and pride. Please do what best for the school and students. If you fail to finish your job, I will be reprimanded and I may lose my job. This is the American way of management. So I rely on you, every one of you.

To all parents of students, I would like to take this occasion to thank you, for your decision of sending your children to TTU medical school. The TTU administration, faculty and staff are all working together for the future of your children, our students.  We promise to do our best for the future of our students, your children. We need your support, encouragement of your children, our students when they are trying to confront the challenges of life, of sciences, of new ideas in the auditorium, hospital rooms and in the open society. Without your support, we cannot fulfill our mission of providing the best opportunities for our students to be the best doctors in the world. We need and appreciate all of your support.

To all students of the TTU medical school, you are at the center of our attention, works and dedication. Your success is our success. Your failure is our failure.  So try your best in studying and don’t forget to ask questions, ask for advices. My principle of work is by consensus building so all the times, I never refuse to hear your opinions, concerns and suggestions.

I would like to outline my focuses in the next 6 months.

  1. Normal schedule of basic sciences teaching at TTU for the first and second year medical students
  2. Normal schedule  of  hospital  rotations  for  3rd  and  4th  year  medical students
  3. Presentations of papers at medical conference abroad by TTU students(Nanjing meeting  December  1-3,  2016)  Bussan  Korea  (December  9-10, 2016), Singapore in July 2017, Beijing October 2017.
  4. Organization of regular conferences by visiting scientists from medical schools (Korea, Singapore and the US)
  5. Plan for US clerkship May and July 2017
  6. National U of Singapore medical school clerkship.
  7. Active participation of students in the process of writing and publication.

I am sure I cannot succeed without the strong efforts and supports from faculty, staff, and students. Please do together because this is the key for success. TTU and me, we would like to hear your comments about our plan.

With my warmest personal regards,

Thach Nguyen MD FACC FSCAI