Professor Peter Singer teaching at Tan Tao University


Prof Peter Singer was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He graduated from the University of California at San Francisco Medical School, followed by an internship at the University of Southern California. This was followed by two years of military service as a physician, after which he completed a residency in internal medicine, and a fellowship in endocrinology at USC.

Dr. Singer is Professor of Medicine, and Chief of Clinical Endocrinology at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. He is a Past-President of the American Thyroid Association, and a past member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

Dr. Singer is Chairman Emeritus of East Meets West (Dong Tay Hoi Ngo,, and has made more than two dozen trips to Viet Nam. Besides English, he speaks German and Spanish, and struggles to speak Vietnamese.

Work plan of Prof Peter Singer

Peter A. Singer, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Medicine
Chief, Clinical Endocrinology
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California

Sunday September 9

7:00PM Welcome dinner hosted by Prof Le Xuan Truong (Vice Dean of School of Medicine) and Prof Cao Van Thinh (Dean of School of Nursing)


Monday September 10

8:00AM Car to Nguyen Tri Phuong hospital (car and guide by Tan Tao U team)
8:30AM Arrival
8:45AM Rounds with Tan Tao U medical students
11:00AM Lunch with Tan Tao U clinical instructors teaching at Nguyen Tri Phuong hospital (interactive discussion: How to instruct the Millennials & iGeneration)
12:00PM Car to Long An campus of Tan Tao University (car and guide by Tan Tao U team)
1:45PM Arrival
2:00PM Lecture to 1st and 2nd year medical students
Hypo and Hyperthyroidism
3:00PM Give Peter Singer scholarship to 2 selected students
3:30PM Car Ho Chi Minh city
7:00PM Dinner with TTU young clinical instructors and students (interactive discussion: Physician in 21st century)


Tuesday September 11

8:00AM Car to Nguyen Tri Phuong hospital (car and guide by Tan Tao U team)
8:30AM Arrival
8:45AM Rounds with Tan Tao U medical students
11:00AM Car to Thong Nhat hospital (car and guide by Tan Tao U team)
11:30PM Arrival
12:00PM Lecture to Thong Nhat physicians
Workup and Management of Thyroid nodule
1:00PM Car to Tam Duc Heart hospital (car and guide by Tan Tao U team)
1:45PM Arrival
2:00PM Lecture to Tam Duc physicians (1 hour)
Thyroid and the Heart
3:15PM Rounds with Tan Tao U medical students at Tam Duc hospital
7:00PM Dinner hosted by Dr Vijay Dave, Director of Medical Education of St May Medical Center, with Mr and Mrs Vo.


Tran Trong Nhan, fifth year medical student, was presenting a case which he noted during his clerkship in the US.
Prof Singer has a warm and humorous way of teaching so TTU students can learn easily.
Prof Singer taught the students: ”Whoever you meet, the most important person, at that moment, is the one sitting in front of you. You have to listen to your patients.”
First and second year TTU medical students were drawn to Prof Singer’s attractive talk.
Prof Singer gave his scholarship of 1000 USD to Dang Du Phuc Loc, a fourth-year medical student.
Duong Danh Nguyen Hien, a third-year medical student, was also selected to receive Peter Singer scholarship.
Prof Singer was giving the talk “Thyroid and the Heart” to physicians in Tam Duc hospital.
TTU students love Prof Singer and his lessons.