Tan Tao University – Courses, student life and tuition fee policies


If you like Tan Tao University (TTU) with an American standard curriculum, taking liberal education ideology as the backbone of all training activities, aiming to make students knowledgeable in a wide range of fields – a prerequisite for a multi-disciplinary career after graduation but you still have questions about the conditions of studying and living here, this article can give you a general idea to answer those questions.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  1. Different schools at Tan Tao University:

1.1 School of Engineering: Different disciplines and their advantages

1.2 School of Humanities and Languages: Bachelor of English as offered at TTU compared with Bachelor of ESL offered at other universities in Vietnam.

1.3 School of Medicine: The first bilingual medical training unit in Vietnam.

1.4 School of Economics and Business Administration

1.5 School of Biotechnology: Students study in-lab right from the first year.

  1. Dormitory and other recreational conditions
  2. Tuition fees, scholarships and financial support

The schools of Tan Tao University:

Tan Tao University is a non-profit private university based on the model of liberal arts education of the United States located on an area of over 100 HA in Tan Duc E.City, Duc Hoa district, Long An province. The University is adopting the training program of Rice University, USA. All students of the school must study Liberal subjects, which account for up to 25% of the entire curriculum in the areas of Language, Culture, Literature, Civilizations, History, Mathematics, Economics, Management, Leadership and Communication Arts, Mechanics and Chemistry. Students can participate in many extracurricular activities, clubs, talk sessions, from which they can share experience and skills with current and visiting professors to quickly adapt to the development of society.

Currently, the University has 5 schools with 12 majors:

School of Engineering (SoE)

In the present time, the School of Engineering offers two majors including Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

Computer Science is the major standing out for Computer Science graduates can equip themselves the knowledge in relation to the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analysis.

The course of “Data Science” is organized by the School of Engineering

To put it simple, to succeed in the current time, millions, even billions of data points collected from all customer targets will need to be processed and analysed to translate into final product-related decisions including yet not limited to pricing strategy, marketing and product packaging…

Computer science graduates can take on the position of data engineers in technology companies like Vingroup, Facebook, VNG, Grab; e-commerce companies like Tiki.vn; Thegioididong.com; logistics, insurance, chain stores / supermarkets, advertising and marketing, …

Graduates of this discipline can also research or teach in universities / institutions in Vietnam and abroad; start up projects related to Data Science and AI.

Learn more about the School of Engineering 

Electrical engineering meanwhile is the field of study and application of issues related to electricity, electronics and electromagnetism with many smaller specialties such as energy, electronics, control systems, signal processing, and telecommunications.

Teachers are instructing students to practice in the lab

It can be seen that all system equipment from simple to complex in every industry has an indispensable presence of electricity. Studying this field, students are equipped with basic and intensive knowledge of Electricity, Electronics and energy saving solutions. Therefore, students will be able to design, build, operate, use and maintain electronics, electrical tools, electric drive systems and transmission, power supply and lighting systems; wind and solar power systems…

Learn more about the School of Engineering 

School of Humanities & Languages (SHL)

Having completed the Bachelor of English, you can understand in-depth the “making” of America, Europe and other significant civilisations worldwide, and why their culture is the way it is nowadays.

Most special of all, the School of Humanities and Languages is the “backbone” of other schools at TTU as it has courses that are compulsory for students from other schools. These compulsory core courses are part of a liberal arts education model and they will make a platform from which you may build yourselves into unique people with unmatched skill sets.

An outdoor study session of SHL

In short, at TTU, you’ll study English not just as a language as taught by most universities in Vietnam (ESL), but the School of Humanities and Languages at TTU brings you the opportunity to study culture, history and other related texts as a whole. The result is that you can not only speak fluent English but you can understand the depth of English and its attached cultures and such. It will be of tremendous help when you actually work alongside or in corporations with other multinational companies.

Learn more about the School of Humanities and Languages 

School of Medicine (SoM):

Founded in 2013, TTU SoM gradually affirms its advantages as the first unit to offer a bilingual curriculum of General Medicine in Vietnam throughout the last seven years.

TTU SoM students in a clerkship program organised in the U.S.

With a “mere” history of 6 year old, what could TTU SoM have achieved?

+ The first academy to earn MOET’s permission of bilingual General Medicine (GM) teaching in Vietnam

+ Help students to participate, conduct observation/internship and report their research in international-scaled conferences and symposia in the US, Korea and China…

+ Apart from the two first years learning Medical English, students will continue their specialised English study throughout the following four years to get ready for the USMLE

TTU SoM students reporting in the Chinese Cardiovascular Conference

+ Get students to 18 hospitals in HCMC for problem-based and clinical study

+ Give students the opportunity to do their internship in specialised hospitals with in-depth clinical experience

+ Has a team of lecturers with decades of teaching experience from the most prestigious medical schools and universities nationwide

+ Despite its young history, TTU SoM is one of the 15 units qualified for its students to take the USMLE examination amongst the total of 26 other medicine training units in Vietnam; and TTU SoM lies among only two private institutions with the Ministry permission to teach GM.

Learn more about the School of Medicine 

School of Economics and Business Administration (SBE)

In the technological age where everything goes digital, when the physical gaps and technical barriers are blurring gradually, in addition to a good foreign language, what do young people need to succeed in business? “A growth mindset”.

TTU SBE students at a Tan Tao Group’s shareholders meeting

It is also the factor that the Tan Tao School of Economics and Business Administration (TTU SBE) integrates into each teaching activity in the curriculum.

TTU SBE currently has 4 majors including International Business, Business Administration, Finance and Banking and Accounting. In particular, students of any specialization are supported to learn skills through practical activities associated with practice, led by successful entrepreneurs.

A field-trip at TTC Land of TTU SBE students

These activities include talks (“Connecting the ASEAN Startup Community 2018” in Malaysia, “9th Annual Mekong Forum” in Myanmar …), Learning skills through actual hands-on activities (winter night dance, start-up contest “Future Launch”), and especially, TTU provides its full support to bring outstanding SBE students to the US to visit, learn and apply knowledge study in practice in businesses there.

By constantly giving students contact with new businesses, new environments, new cultures and people, TTU SBE is nurturing a growth mindset for its students, who constantly learn to improve themselves to become future entrepreneurs to maximize their potential in their career.

Learn more about TTU SBE 

School of Biotechnology (SB)

Biotechnology – 21st Century Studies: TTU’s School of Biotechnology is being built to provide the society with Engineers’, who have the ability to understand and apply knowledge to develop products with value from Biotechnology to improve the quality of life.

Biotechnology or Applied Biology?

– Biotechnology: Study the general foundation of the field from which you can develop further to become a researcher or lecturer to work in scientific institutions, universities and academic journals.

– Applied Biology: Approach the research with the mindset for high application to find life-friendly solutions for various problems.

For instance, applied biology can help find a solution to deal with germs instead of using a cocktail of toxics to kill both harmful and healthy cells.

Why us?

Plenty of chances for exchange internship and lab practice to international institutions worldwide

Frequent participation in specialised conferences and seminars

Learn by doing: Most of the time, students will experiment on actual samples rather than just theoretical studies. Each student needs to pick one specific research to work on throughout their four years studying at TTU.

Small class size: Best learning environment thanks to the high rate of lecturer to students.

Learn more about the School of Biotechnology 

Dormitory and other recreational conditions

Students at Tan Tao University will stay at the university dormitory. This is compulsory for students during the first year because it’s an opportunity to experience a new environment, thereby creating a foundation for independent living afterwards.

Within the dormitory, there are two areas of the Male and the Female. Male students can arrange accommodation at Tan Duc Plaza or Tan Duc Star while Female Students can choose to live at the Dormitory or Tan Duc Star.

Dormitory of Tan Tao University
Tan Duc Star – Comfortable and modern living space for students

At the dormitory, students must comply with the regulations of the Management Board, such as the prohibition of alcohol, beer, cigarettes, addictive substances, weapons and other items banned by the law.

In addition, the dormitory also provides quality meals, ensuring adequate nutrition for students of the University. Students with special diets need to notify the Management Board in advance to arrange accordingly.

In addition to the accommodation facilities, the University’s campus also has play areas for physical activities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, gyms and parking lots besides a library.

With more than 15,000 titles and 70,000 journals from electronic databases, Tan Tao University Library is comparable to libraries in larger top-tier universities. The Library can facilitate students studying in a quiet and climate-controlled atmosphere with group study and presentation rooms.

Physical training activities at TTU
Library of Tan Tao University

There are also daily shuttle buses to help students move between the dormitory and the school. In addition, students are encouraged to use bicycles to protect the green environment at TTU.

Tuition policies, scholarships and financial aid packages

In 2019, tuition fee for the major of General Medicine is 150 million VND / year, and all the remaining majors have the same tuition fee of 40 million VND / year. Tuition for all majors will apply throughout the six or four years depending on the student’s field of study at TTU.

In each school year, the ITA Scholarship Fund for the Future always has scholarships for outstanding students to attend the school.

After the first year, students can apply for the Scholarship for the Talented or the Scholarship for the Under-Privileged if their GPA and performance record meet the criteria of the scholarship policy each year.

Learn more about the scholarship policy and tuition fees