Lectures and Hospital Rounds Week of 3/20 to 4/3


Long An, March 27, 2020

To: LX Truong MD, PN Vinh MD, LQ Nghia MD, NTT Van MD, CV Thinh MD, VH Tru MD, LV Cuong MD, Drs ND Huan, TV Hung, NTX Thao, TA Nhi, DNH Hoang, NPH Nhan, PTN Loi, NH Duc, faculty and staff.

Dear Vice Dean, Department Chairs, faculty, staff and students

Today, Friday March 27th I would like to thank Prof Pham N Vinh for chairing the lecture session of Dr Andy Nguyen, Prof of Medicine, McGovern Medical School, the U of Texas in Houston. More than 450 students and physicians from all over Vietnam attended the lecture. …

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