Vol 1, No 3 (2016): Third issuse


After encountering with quite a few technical, editing and academic obstacles, three issues of Tan Tao University (TTU) Review have been published. Especially, in the third issue, the articles of Medical School instructors are prominent with valuable scientific researches and reports. Editing staff acknowledges such contribution that creates the mo-zone (momentum zone) among Medical School instructors and triggers the instructors of other schools reserving more time for international scientific announcements and researches. In addition, under Deputy Dean, Dr. Thach Nguyen’s clerkship program guidance, more students involve in the international researches and reports.

In this issue, besides Medical School’s contributions, Dr. Dung Cao of Engineering School, Dr. Truong Nguyen of Biotechnology School, Mr. Nhon Dang of Humanity & Language School, Dr. Michael L. Pham of Business have also contributed to TTU-Review valuable articles. Especially, in this issue Mme. President’s article “Anatomage Table Laboratory Strategic Technology Plan” discusses thoroughly about the state of art medical equipment just procures for Medical School.

For the year-end 4th issue, TTU-Review plans to apply for ISBN that paves the way for its international-wide circulation. In 2017, TTU-Review will also ask Mme. President to grant an award to the article that attracts the most readers.

TTU-Review still has to improve two areas. Firstly, the design has to be more unique and presentable. Secondly, in the same time, the substance of articles would set the goal to reach national or international academic recognized standard for instructors’ inventions and/or innovations.

Thank you readers and colleagues.

Michael l. Pham
Chief Editor

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