
Choose to Study with A Native English Teacher

- by John Baratki Choosing a teacher to study English with can be a difficult choice to make. Whether it is a native speaker of...

New American faculty members on board

The School of Humanities & Languages would like to welcome its new American faculty members on board. 1) Mr. Noah Keogh Mr. Noah Keogh holds a BA...

Entrepreneur Dang Thi Hoang Yen: The young startups should reach out to the world.

“You are the leading bird of a flock, so whichever direction you fly, your siblings will follow.” A statement once said by the father to...

Chairwoman Dang Thi Hoang Yen, the founder of Tan Tao Group

“Big dreams, passion, and a Never Give Up spirit under any circumstances are keys to every success,” said by Mme. Dang Thi Hoang Yen...