Graduation deadline for cohort 2012 


Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2154/QD-TTg of November 25, 2010, on the establishment of Tan Tao University;

Pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 6, Paragraph 3 of Decision No. 17/VBHN-BGDDT dated May 15, 2014 (consolidated in Decision No. 43/2007/QD-BGDDT dated August 15, 2007, and in Circular No. 57/2012/TT-BGDDT dated December 27, 2012) by the Minister of Education and Training on the “Promulgation of regulations on regular university and college education under the credit system”;

At the proposal of the Office of the Registrar of Tan Tao University;

 Tan Tao University announces the graduation deadline for students in cohort 2012 to be October, 2018. After this deadline, students in cohort 2012 no longer qualify for graduation. It is recommended that students complete the requirements for graduation as soon as possible.

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