
Workshop “Self-study through the Learning and Teaching Resources”

Learning at university is self-studying! At university, lecturer is guider who help student to find document and do research; lecturer’s lesson plays the role...

Inauguration of the Online Teaching Program

Long An March 15, 2020 To: President, TTU Huynh Ho, VP, Le Xuan Truong MD, Cao Tien Dung, PhD, Nguyen Dinh Truong, PhD, Nhon Dang,...

Student Activities

Student Activities is dedicated to helping students develop as leaders and supporting them in their efforts to make a positive impact at Tan Tao...

American Student Delegation Visits Tan Tao University Campus

On December 2 morning, the American student delegation paid a visit to TTU to exchange and together held a seminar to share American higher...

How I met My Wife at the Big Bang: McTaggart, Einstein and the Illusion...

On the 16th April 2014, Mr. Michael Gulvin talked about the topic "How I met My Wife at the Big Bang: McTaggart, Einstein and...

Self-Enrichment through Open Learning Resources

 October 23rd, 2013 TTU Library Department celebrated a seminar which topic was "Self-Enrichment through Open Learning Resources" to introduce to TTU Students the ways...

Student Karaoke Night

Very  happy to report that the student Karaoke night was a big success!  The students actually got a head-start and began singing sometime around...

TTU Exchanges with Cambodian Students from Svayrieng and Prayveng provinces

During the friendship exchange program between students in Long An province and Cambodian students from Svayrieng and Prayvengprovinces, Cambodian students visited and engaged in...